Saturday, April 20, 2013

Time Flies

Time sure flies! I am living proof of that fact. For example, it has been ages since I last posted here. Life is busy, computer is ill and time flies.

I was getting ready for work this morning and glanced in the mirror to put on a bit of make up so as to not shock the world and noticed I had aged. Yes, aged! I mean really, I look in that same mirror every day of the week, but at 4 a.m. this morning it was as if time came in the middle of the night and crept up on my face erasing my youth.

Or maybe I am just tired.

Or maybe, I am old.

Yes, I think it is the later. No amount of sleep and face cream can erase the fact my face has lived a pretty long life. It has weathered many storms and as I look closer, I see the lines tell a story.

My story, etched upon my face is not too bad. Through the storms it has weathered, I also see some laugh lines. I will call that line my road of joy. My life has had much joy.

When I ponder that thought, I begin to count my blessings. I have loved and been loved. I have six wonderful children and several grandchildren. I have good friends. I have my parents still with me whom I love deeply and a grandmother I adore. My husband is the best and we have a home with pets.

Yes, my lines tell a story. So I will apply my make up lightly, not to cover up, but to enhance. I will treasure these lines, those wrinkles showing the time I have walked this earth and I will embrace the next journey.

As I apply the last bit of mascara to highlight my eyes, I notice a bit of gray peeking out in my hair. Hmmm, okay, my lines can stay, but I am calling in the help to hide this gray. I am not totally ready to let it all go.

Have a blessed day.

Teresa Gale

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