Sunday, August 23, 2015


It was a dark and stormy night. No wrong, it was a sun filled day of flowers and birds. Nope not right either. The heavy snow twirled and danced caught glimmering in the headlights, mesmerizing me in to a hypnotic daze....nope, that won't do either.

Where does one begin to write a novel? Please, someone tell me the secret. I am not a planner by any means of the word. I hate editing, despise it truthfully. I am a writer of the heart. My emotions pour out of me, bleeding on the pages. Characters are often real people in my life, those that have touched me one way or another. 

Writing is tough. Whoever thinks you just sit down and write is either a genius or has never attempted to give birth to a story. However, I have written. I have written poetry, stories, long letters, speeches for weddings, retirements, holidays and a couple of unedited novels. They sit in drawers, file folders on my office floor, and some of my writing has been published via the Internet. 

Today, I rustled through my dusty and unused office to find the one story that has been begging me to read and edit. My muse has been encouraging me to write again. Thanks dear friend Tina. So, my mission was to unearth it from under the clutter where I left it back in 2011. My first novel that I actually found an ending to.

It is sitting next to me at this very moment, my palms have grown sweaty and my heart has picked up speed. Fear knots my stomach as I turn over in my mind if I should just bury it in my grave pile of other writings and run, do not walk away from it.

I have recently been taking a creative art journaling course, playing with paint, (truthfully something I have no talent) and words. See above photo. It is unclogging my long hidden away God given gift to create again. I am rusty, weak in the knees and my own worst critic. Yet this journey in art has allowed the little girl I was never allowed to be, come out and play. 

My novel needs to be read, edited and seared once again in my heart. It is my long journey towards forgiveness and understanding someone very important in my life. It is due to the fact this was written from my heart and guided by God, that makes me want to finish it. However, in doing so, it will return me to another long and painful journey of the past.

My fear is....hard to word...facing the scary parts of my life and accepting who I am because of it. It's personal, it's painful yet is full of love. 

Earl Nightengale once stated; " Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."

The course I am taking is teaching me to let go of fear and flow. I am learning to brave my fears of not being good enough to being satisfied with challenging myself to try. My novel is part of me, my baby, my growth, my journey towards forgiveness and allowing myself to love.

The story is waiting for me. I will take the steps to complete my journey and be satisfied. Is there something you fear? Are you putting off becoming the person God has designed you to be? Are there others out there like me ready to take a step beyond your comfort zone? I would invite you to step with me and reach your dreams.

Teresa Gale

Friday, August 14, 2015

Good Morning! 
It's Friday! I woke up with my normal aches and pains, stumbled out of bed and grabbed my dark rich coffee, liquid energy as I call it. Ahh! 

Mornings are good to reflect, prepare and by prepare I mean pray, read and catch up on family news. 

My oldest daughter traveled out west this past week to see her sister. I have been keeping track of their visit together on Facebook. I love the family photos, the smiles, the times they are sharing together making more memories. Today Jennifer, my oldest and my oldest grandson Jordan will return back home. Parting is never easy. I know each time I am with any of my children no matter how short or how long the visit, it tears my heart to leave. This is no different when your children live so far away. You wish to hold them tight, tighter, tighter even and never let them go.

"Sigh..." I got all teary eyed as I viewed the photos from last nights hugs and kisses between my grandchildren, my daughters and my son in law. I know today as she boards the plane, she will leave part of her heart with Suzanne. I know this, because I have done the same. I posted for them to cherish the times together for this is the purest of gifts.

A mother, always wants her children close. However, we also wish them wings to fly. I know I have lived far from my parents, my family for most of my life. I did what I had to do to raise my family, but...I have missed so many things, so much time together. So now, I try to make the most of it. We all need to make the most of it. 

The bible is full of stories where children wander off to the great unknowns building lives. It is the circle of life. It is not God's plan to hold our children back from His plans, whatever they may be. As a Christian mom, I have faith that the decisions they make will all be for His greater plan. I pray that in the mornings, as I wake in the middle of the night when one or all of them cross my mind. I lie awake wondering about each of the six children we are blessed with and all the little grandchildren as well.

As much as my heart aches, as much as I dream of owning a huge property where all my loved ones can dwell together, I have to be at peace knowing we carry each other in our hearts.

God's gift to me this morning as I hobbled out the front door, was to bless me with the beautiful flower above. His promise to me that he cares for each little one and has them in his hands. As I passed by this happy Daisy, my heart soared as I knew each of my children bloom where they are planted by His loving hand. I smile when I see my favorite flower gracing my morning. Thank you God for promises.

Be safe my loves and come home soon.

Love you more,

Teresa Gale
Momma T