Saturday, May 2, 2020

In in the midst of 2020 Coronavirus, life goes on. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping and the sound of lawnmowers hum in the background. We, through God are resilient. 

Looking out my back window, I see the buds of May on my low hanging branches, the wind chimes are tinkling in a chorus with the breeze. This makes me smile, it is God reminding me He still controls this world and he is with me. 

It’s been a few years since I posted here last. My writing was pushed aside. Till today that is, as I found God nudging me back. To use this thing, this wicked virus to come back to life, to write, to sing my words if only, yes, if only for me and Him. 

As I look back over the years, many though they are, He reminds me, He has always had His hand on me. He has brought me through many storms in my life, horrible storms. I have weathered them all and I will again. As long as I keep Him in sight. 


Teresa Gale