Thursday, December 2, 2010

Opening Up

“Every wall is a door.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I feel a little sad this week. I failed. I failed to complete one of the most challenging and fun writing event in my life. NaNo was on and I had the best of intentions to complete my writing this year of 50K words in 30 days as I have in years past. However, something was amiss. I didn’t feel the words this year.

The week before NaNo was to begin; I developed some pain in my left leg. I have always had the worst legs, legs that bulge with varicose veins and unsightly spider veins that have me under cover most of the year. I have also had some pain in my legs due to the condition. This pain was a new pain, one that would not go away and caused my leg to swell. Then an ugly red swelling appeared and I felt panic rise in me.

After a few sleepless nights and an ache so bad that merely pulling on clothing made me wince, I called the doctor. Two doctors, two ultra sounds, three days of prodding, poking and scaring me, I was diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). I was whirling in a world the unknown, gripped with fear at the memory of my step father having a blood clot in his leg and a year later died from an embolism in his heart.

The whole three day experience is mind throbbing. Although the medical staff I came into contact with was very comforting and kind, I was suddenly thrust into the sea of unknown without a life raft. Words meant nothing to me, came out garbled, hearing loss as medical people told me what to expect and what was planned.

When you are in a state of fear and shock, you hear little. Your mind is so busy racing ahead of the things you have heard, read, experienced first-hand and you feel you are in a surreal environment.

My mind was blocked of words, of writing words as the fear and worry enveloped me. Creativity flew right out the window and as hard as I tried to focus on writing, I could not feel the words. To a writer, or want to be writer such as myself, that is a horrible loss.

Every November, I look forward to National Writing Month; it forces me to do something I never make time for, writing. I tell my family to not expect me home as I pound the computer keys, scratch words on envelopes, fill notebooks and write in frenzy. I love the feeling of this deadline and the comfort of knowing all around the world millions like me who love to write are spending sleepless nights spinning yarns of stories.

I was stuck; the words caught in my heart and refused to dislodge themselves. I wrote about my fear, my blood clot who I am truly thinking of naming, and my long dead mother who I suddenly wished were here. I imagined a scene between her and me as we buried the hatchet of long ago and talked. I didn’t get far, I couldn’t get far. She died long ago and to imagine her back in my life forced me to think of death.

I reached 25,000 words and stopped. I felt like I was standing alone in a desert, facing the wind as it blew sand in my eyes blinding me. I turned to the right, and then to the left, but could see no distinct path, had no idea which way to go. So, I stood still. I took a deep breath, relaxed my over tense shoulders and began to do what I should have done before. I prayed. I poured my heart out to my Lord and Father and prayed. I let it go.

Letting go is never easy for me, I am like a dog chewing a bone and will endless battle for the last bit of it. I hate quitting; I am not good at failure. I have failed. I felt a loss, as deep as the calendar pages flipped by, drawing closer to the end of November and I still had not written past 25K. When the 30th came, I felt the sting of tears fall with the loss of not completing my adventure.

Yet through it all, I felt the comfort from God that it was okay, that I was okay and that letting go was needed. It is alright to not always move ahead to places in our life that just don’t fit in the now. I knew that my story was not right, that the words felt stuck and lacked the passion of years past, so I waved the white flag and just let go. As the tug of war between self and writing ended, I felt at peace. I was still sad on the 30th of November, I still cried and grieved the loss, felt a twinge of defeat, but was okay, I am okay.

God taught me a lesson, and like the lump of clay I am, I let him work in me. For the first time in two weeks I am writing this, I am pouring my heart out on a blog and allowing the process to begin. I am healing both in my leg and in my heart. I am learning, bit by tiny bit to let go of what is not needed in this moment.

I had hit a wall. I looked at it in just that way at first; I had hit a wall and could not move forward. Then God took my hand and lead me down the wall and to the door. All I had to do was walk through it.

I am not sure what all He has planned for me, not sure where my writing will begin or end. I am not even sure what my health will look like in a year. I do know that I am okay. I do know all I need is right here in front of me and God walks beside me.

So slowly I grab the handle of the door and ready myself to walk through.

Teresa Gale

December 2, 2010


  1. Leave it to you to turn a writing loss into a lovely, heartfelt blog post. Your words were stuck for the story, but not for your life.

    Be well, my friend. Keep that peace wrapped around tight.

  2. Isn't it amazing how God can turn what we perceive as a failure is to a marvelous, successful moment? I continue to be humbled by the love and patience he has with us. Thanks for sharing this story!

    Love you!

  3. Beautiful, Teresa, you are and so are your words that you pour from your heart. Often we do not meet goals that we or others have set for us, but God, our Father, has only one goal for us and that is Him and His precious Son. Thank you for sharing.. you have touched my heart, dear friend. Much love, hugs and blessings to you.

  4. My friend, you have a God-given gift of being able to put words to your feelings and experiences. Thank you for sharing that with me and others. Your words about hitting the wall but finding a door in that same wall. I love that analogy!

  5. Hi Teresa, That was a beautifully written piece! When you put your thoughts down, we all can be with you and completely understand where you are ans where you've been! I love you dear friend and I know you and Jackie with enjoy your time together!!
    Sue Kondas
