Life’s Blessings
It’s been a wonderful and long weekend that is coming to its end. Monday will bring back work days and appointment. Today is full of promise and more rich blessings. I am finding that when I close my eyes and see I can find more blessings in my life. It is digging deep into our lives that we find the treasures.
I don’t want to merely flit through life haphazardly missing what is right in front of me, and so often in the past I have done just that. Life is living in the present moment. Each day is a gift from God, a present ready to open and waiting for us to take pleasure in.
December 5 Blessings: I spent the morning with a bad headache; this made me so realize how often I don’t give thanks for good health. I am so thankful I pushed myself along with prayer and spent a most delightful day with my daughter and grandson. We had a fun filled day shopping at Root Candle, Dunkin Donuts coffee and then a yummy lunch at Pizza hut. We laughed and enjoyed the sights and smells with the little guy.
Arriving home, I felt truly thankful for my husband who listened to me about smelling gas in the house. He had been busy working on our furnace all day cleaning it out. It was full of black carbon. God bless that man, he saved our lives. Lord, what a blessing to have my husband in my life who can fix things and works so hard.
After cleaning up, we loaded all five us in daughter’s truck and set out to buy my “Fat Girl” Christmas tree. I love it when it snows on tree cutting day. It was bitter cold, but we bundled up and felt the snow falling around us. Trudging out into the field, Daniel our son carrying the saw as he loves to be our Christmas lumberjack each year sought out our tree. We wound ourselves through the trees, wet ground and snow to find the tree every year I say is mine. My men relented even though she is a “Fat Girl”
The covered bridge made me take pause in the beauty of God’s creation as the tiny waterfall tumbled over rocks. The half frozen pond greeted us with the setting sun dipping into her frigid waters. We trudged back to the barn where hot apple cider and donuts were waiting for us and enjoyed Aunt Bobby’s visit.
Our slippery ride home was filled with laughter and joy over how big the tree was and how we were going to fit it through our door. That will wait for Sunday decorating. Hubby fixed us a wonderful meal of French Fries and ribs for dinner.
A call came from our other daughter who I missed seeing buy her tree as they went earlier than we did. How I adore it when I speak to my babies. I often feel as if our house is empty with our grown children gone and love it when they stop and visit or call. Plans are in the making to get our four-year old grandson soon for a movie date.
My blessings this day were many. Everything from family to new fallen snow made me smile today. I am so blessed to have the family I do who cherishes time together and doing family things. Thank you God for blessing me once again.
Teresa Gale
Lovely read. Thanks for posting about your day of blessings.