Each day I awake to a brand new day full of so many possibilities, it is what I do with this day that makes it effective. The last few days off from work has been a whirlwind of activity; tis the season of Christmas. I have cleaned, scrubbed, washed, shopped, wrapped, cooked and visited with family. Still I am not as yet done. However, I am not as stressed this year as in the years past.
Every Christmas, I feel it is my duty as a mother to buy, buy, buy more and more gifts that I don’t think anyone needs. My blessing this year is that we put a stop to it. It did take a few years of discussing it. I still have that old nagging guilt, that feeling of I wish I had the money to shop for everyone, but truth is…I think…I might have been set free at last.
Christmas is not about the gifts of material things that matter, I know this in my heart. I still have several beautiful grandchildren to shop for and that makes me happy. Each day off this past week, I have planned, but not to the point of stressing as Christmases past.
December 10th : A day at work, finishing up the last details before I was off and running for a vacation day. The night before was my Wednesday Group from church. I enjoyed a lovely evening with new friends studying God’s word. It was delightful to see them all after a couple weeks break.
December 11th was spent cleaning and decorating. I enjoyed my day off alone to make our home more pleasant. I counted it as a blessing that I was free that whole day just to enjoy the fruits of my labor. God is good, vacation days are blessings. I treasure those times when I can be alone, but know that shortly family will follow. It is great time to do things I never have the chance to do.
December 12 Saturdays are bliss! I love being able to sleep in a little later, although later for me might be 6 or 7 A.M. It is nice to lie in bed with eyes close and listen to the hums and sounds of the house. I can hear the cat at the foot of the bed, trying his hardest to wake me for his can of food. I listen to the wind howl outside and feel thankful I have a warm bed and home surrounding me. The stirrings of the mind begin and up and out of bed I go. Coffee awaits upstairs and the tantalizing smell calls to me.
I then greet husband and settle in the leather sofa for my time with God. I read the bible each morning trying to devour His word. Many times I have to stop my wandering mind and turn it back to Him, but I love reading His word. After an hour in the bible, I switch to devotionals and bible studies. I pray for loved ones along with needs of my prayer group and friends. As I think of each person I lift up to God, I thank Him for them in my life. I am so blessed with my family.
The rest of the day was spent with one of daughters, Suzanne and grandson Cooper shopping for Christmas. What joy in the lights and decorations, what joy in tiny hands reaching for all the bright colors! Spending time with my children is one of the richest blessings in my life. We had a wonderful shopping spree and talked quite a bit. Returning home, Mark had fixed us a most delicious meal. Cooper finally noticed the tree and spent lots of time laughing and reaching for the ornaments. Thank you Lord for the children and grandchildren in my life.
Sunday, December 13: I spent the day at home with the Lord. I opted out of the Church service to spend quality time with God. I poured over the bible, prayed and did my studies. I felt rested and good relaxing and worshiping in my pajamas.
The day went too swiftly, but I managed to wrap several gifts, enjoy time watching two movies with my husband and eating another scrumptious meal. The house was warm, the food was good and the movies were enjoyable.
Now we are on to Monday. I must say one of the blessings I have found this week has been in the emails from my friends at church. Three women who are journeying with me on a new health plan to eat better and mindfully. I have been encouraged, inspired and brought to tears in laughter and stories. Our feelings are sometimes raw, we admit our faults and lift one another up each day. I open my mailbox excitedly to see what is happening in their life that day. I love these ladies and feel truly blessed God has brought them into my life.
As I let the dogs out at 4 A.M. this morning, I was amazed and thankful that on December 14, I didn’t really need more than my sweater. We have no snow on the ground and the air was actually refreshing. I can’t believe our weather.
I counted so many blessings the last few days, everything from weather, friends, family and a roof over our heads. May each day be blessed by all you who read, may you also find the rich blessings in your life. Count them one by one and give thanks.
Teresa Gale
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