The long and wonderful weekend ended too quickly. On Sunday, the service at church was a wonderful blessing. Pastor spoke on the Ten Commandments and honoring the Sabbath. I loved how he related to us it was not important what day mattered, but that we rest and make a whole day the Sabbath.
Rest, the word seems almost foreign in our busy, hurry-up, fast paced world. However, God wants for us to find rest. It is a time of standing still and enjoying what God has given us, a time to draw closer to Him without the many distractions that surround us.
December 6th became a day for me to worship the Lord at my church. I enjoy the people who attend there and the powerful sermon. I leave feeling lighter each time I am with them in the Lord. Once home, it was time to prepare some lunch. I felt truly blessed that I could open up my refrigerator and find food. It makes me think of so many others who do not have anything. Our church is preparing Food Baskets and our family will contribute.
This Sunday was a day for me to reflect on the Word of God and count my blessings.
December 7th a Monday. Mondays take me back to work and can be very stressful. As we drive in each morning, I pray. It’s a good time to chat with my husband and pray. I was just very recently put back on to 40 Hours and I thanked God for this. With the economy so bad, husband and I had suffered with reduced pay and hours, but felt blessed to have jobs. I pray for the many who are struggling for work, may God’s hand and blessings be upon you.
The evening brought a couple of ladies from my Monday night bible study together for a new session, weight loss. Four of us meet to start our journey on the Weigh Down Diet. We watched the tape, discussed the book and prayed together. These ladies have been a true God-send to me in so many ways. I have enjoyed getting to know them and develop wonderful friendships. We are praying for better eating habits and encouragement for each other. When I left them that evening, I felt wonderful, determined and so blessed.
December 8th Tuesday was another busy work at work that rushed by. I felt the blessings of a new health plan to begin eating consciously and made it through the day pretty good. I even was blessed with a extra hour of overtime. Praise God, the blessings just keep coming and when you really stop and look or listen, you will find there are many in the day.
Our evening was spent decorating our “’Fat Girl” tree as a family. We had fun loading her down with our lights and ornaments. I snapped pictures and loved the feeling of family. As my son and husband put the final touch of the angel on the top, I felt a rush of love for them both and took their pictures.
Our daughter called later laughing hysterically over the posted pictures on Face Book and we chatted while laughing over the “Fat Girl” tree. I love talking to our children during the week. In our busy lives, we seldom get together as much as I would like, so the phone calls mean a lot to me.
December 9th Wednesday more blessings to count, another extra hour of overtime, safety in our windy drive to work and a pretty good attitude at work despite the stress. My evening brought me to my Wednesday night Church Group and wonderful fellowship. I love this group of people and am encouraged by their love of God and friendships.
So many wonderful blessings this week even more than I have counted here on this page. My journey in the month of December of counting my blessings is making me so aware of what God is doing in my life. Even with some bad news this week and that old stressful feeling nagging at me, I was able to leave it to God and feel lighter. I pray for all that read my blog and count my blessings along with me, that you will also pause during your day and see the rich and wonderful things in your life. December is the month we celebrate the birth of Christ and cherish those we love. Take a moment, pause, breath in the air around you and give thanks.
May you all make it a truly blessed day.
Teresa Gale
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