Ever since I can remember, I have loved to take walks. There is something about being outside surrounded by all of God’s creations that makes me feel at peace. When I was a young girl and living at home where much turmoil brewed, I would often find serenity in strolling through the neighborhood. Walking clears my mind, causing me to pause in the madness of the world and get closer to God and myself.
As a young girl, I would often wait until things at home were settled and just take off walking. Back in those days, I had no special shoes and I had beautiful strong legs unmarred by ugly veins that would later cause me much pain. Those times in my youth saved me many a time from the discontent that was in my life. On one such walk at the tender age of sixteen, I met my first husband.
Often throughout my life, I have used walking again and again for stress relief, sanity moments and exercise. However, the last few years I have been very sedentary. With the added weight I found taking steps painful. To make matters worse, my desk job where I spent 8-9 hours sitting turned my vein stricken legs into flabby mush. Taking steps made me shaky and often I would wake in the middle of the night hurting with all sorts of leg aches.
So, a few weeks ago when I started my healthy turn around, I decided the best way to get some exercise was to start walking. I had too many pounds on me to be joining some sort of class where jumping up and down would be too embarrassing and then the thought of going to a gym; well it just wasn’t going to happen.
So a couple of days after I changed my eating habits, I went for my first walk. I had read a walking plan where beginners start easily with a ten minute walk. I figured I could do that, it sounded simple and easy. Those first few steps out in the parking lot at work were a killer. It took me ten minutes to walk around the one time and I was short of breath. My legs felt like rubber and I could feel my thighs rubbing together. It was horrible.
I felt so shaky when I returned to my desk and depressed. I am in my early fifties, overweight and now I can’t even walk for ten minutes. When one grows older and our once energetic body turns to blubber, it is humbling, and depressing. That first day out walking in the cool air opened my eyes to how out of shape I had become and I knew I had to keep moving to keep alive.
The next day I went out again and the day after that, I stretched my walk into another 15 minute break. Twice a day almost every day for the last several weeks had helped me in so many ways. I enjoy pushing away from my desk and getting outside for those few moments.
Every day I move a little more. The weight is coming off and my legs are feeling stronger. I have pushed myself a little further each time out. If I can’t make it outside due to weather, I walk around the shop, up stairs and in the basement. I find I am becoming more creative with my steps. I now park further when I shop, go up and down my steps at home more frequently and am starting to want to walk more and more.
Last night after an early dinner I decided to take a walk. I didn’t want to sit in front of the TV and fall asleep, so I got moving. Grabbing my IPod I headed out the door and down the street. I started slowly and took my time looking at everything around me. My IPod started off with praise music I had down loaded and it was really appropriate as I enjoyed all of the beauty surrounding me. Each step I took I found my spirits lifting making me enjoy the evening.
I saw neighbors out in yards, viewed other people’s flowers (mine were destroyed by an over-zealous husband, a story for another blog entry) and marveled at the beautiful sky God painted for me. I wish I were a good enough writer or perhaps a painter so that I could show you exactly all I saw on my 45 minute walk. It was just the most wonderful walk I had experienced in a long time.
I took in every sight, every scent and every sound and just breathed it into my very being. I am in awe of God’s handiwork and last night I viewed a most breath taking skyline. I watched cotton candy clouds form into Hercules, an ocean and what seemed to be the Pillsbury cartoon fella with a big fat belly. The pale blue sky sparkled against the soft white clouds and it was just a sight to see. Even above my music, I could hear the birdsong serenade me as I picked up my pace and I imagined the birds cheering me on.
Forty-five minutes later, a little sweaty, very thirsty, I finished off my walk and sat down on the deck out back and enjoyed the last of the skyline before me. I felt good, I felt better than good, I felt great. My body is starting to obey me and firm up a little. The blood flow to my legs has improved and it has been a couple of weeks since I woke up with achy legs. My stress level is reduced and some energy is returning. I know I still have a way to go, but last night I went for a 45 minute walk! To me that is more than progress, it’s a miracle from where I was a few weeks before.
Sitting on my deck, watching the golden globe of the sun set against that beautiful sky God painted for me last night, I gave thanks.
Teresa Gale
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