Sunday, January 16, 2011

Setting Life Straight

Goal Setting

I did it and have only myself to blame. There is something about a New Year that makes me always want to wipe last years’ slate clean and start again. I love the New Year, it gets me motivated and moving. So when a Mom’s writing group that I belong to started a Goal setting group, I jumped in head first.

Well, I think I am in over my head.

I love making lists, have several notebooks full of notes, to do lists, appointments, resolutions and goals. This year is no different. However, when you count I am a lot older, have many more responsibilities, several children living with us and pets, hubby and over full time work, well, I jumped too high off the bridge.

I made a short list, then extended it, then laid it aside when exhaustion set in and was running to keep up with my writer friends. So, today I took a second look at my list and decided to expand more. I broke it up and my next step is to make plans on how to complete these goals.

It is not impossible, it is very probable. So why do I feel like I am drowning in a sea of over stimulation? Because my eyes are always bigger than the rest of me, my brain wants to cram more in than I am comfortable with, so I am re-thinking all this.

I mapped it out on paper, chopped it up in categories which I borrowed from my one of the writing mom’s and took a deep breath. If you are a list maker, I am sure you understand how it feels to make a long list and then cross one thing off, then another, then another until satisfaction or exhaustion sets in. I love seeing my accomplishments.

I will develop a plan and try not to be too stringent, but also, set a habit, a ritual so to speak to see myself off and complete my tasks.

I set up several categories, such as; Home, Ministry, Children, Work, Creativity, Family, Personal, etc. Then I broke them down further and my next plan is to develop steps and how many days per week I want to tackle some or all of my goals. Such as my Relationship Goals with God, I want to continue my daily bible reading, but add more worship and prayer time. I also want to read more inspirational books and develop or find my ministry in life. For Family, I want to spend more quality time, be more encouraging and supportive.

I am starting out late and slow, but today tackled a few of my goals. I wrote for fifteen minutes some gibberish, but I wrote. I completed two scrapbook pages for my creative goal and put together one small magnetic photo frame of my oldest granddaughter. I did a short journal entry, read, threw out two piles of paper for my organization goal and managed to get some house chores done. Whew! A lot in one day, but oh how wonderful it feels!

I have a habit, which I am sure many others do, in which I tend to let my busy life push back the things I really enjoy. I love to write, but seldom do enough to satisfy. I love to scrapbook, but only recently went back to it. I enjoy reading to the point of addiction, but only find time for small snatches of reading.

I am excited about setting my goals and I will be constantly evaluating my progress and re-vamping as necessary. If you are like me and really want to pursue some dreams or just get organized, consider writing down your goals, dreams, task and see what you think is possible. As for me, I am on a new journey and loving every moment.

Till we meet again.

Teresa Gale

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