Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vacation Day 8 - Last Day

July 7th, 2012

Last Day

Temps today are supposed to reach 100 degrees once again. Mark is going to run wires for our friend’s electrical problems which means turning off the power. We are hoping for one last boat ride before we turn it in tomorrow.

I will have one more morning here in my little hideaway. It’s been good. Despite the heat, no power and water, I got my wish. My wish was time away from the entire world’s technology and relaxing. Today while Mark works around the electric problems, I am going to clean a bit, then scrapbook outdoors.

I spend the morning under the shade of the tree and periodically check to make sure Mark is okay. The heat is rising and the power is off while he makes the repairs. Sweat pours off my poor man and he is running into some problems. I work on some pages and then begin to pace, trying to help Mark while I can. The cabin is stuffy with no fans and the temperature registers 90 degrees and climbing. Mark had started in the cooler part of the day, but the one hour job has now turned into four.

The birds are oblivious to the heat and sing to me while chipmunks rustle in the leaves. The sun is hotter and sweat pools in uncomfortable places. The morning air was not too bad, but by the time Mark finishes around 12:00 I watch the thermometer climb over 90.

Finally, success! Mark ended up running separate wiring for the fridge and got things back on. I cleaned the floors, dusted and we both showered. The fans back on and moving hot air around us. I will remember this time when I head back up to Cleveland for our winter freeze.

We decide to drive to Cadiz and get some food instead of taking the boat out in the heat of the day. As we leave the cabin, the temps are now a little over 100 degrees. Once in the car, the AC goes on full blast and we can feel our muscles turn to mush.

I am sad. It hits me hard we are soon to leave and vacation will end. Tonight is our last night, in the morning we will pack, clean the cabin and drive home. We will return to the work world, the stress and things that wait for us. I am a little homesick, but dread the return. I could have spent the whole summer in our little hide away.

For some time now, I have been fighting some anxiety and a little bit of depression. Agitation over small things, things that should not matter, has made me snap at poor Mark and the kids. Our oldest daughter had moved in with us for a little over 18 months with our two grandkids. I loved having her, but we also all needed our own space. It was hard watching her move out. I was happy she would be on her own, but missing her very much. She and I would spend many an evening talking, playing games and sharing. I had watched her and Mark grow closer. However, I wanted to return to being a grandma and not a second mother. So her moving out was a bittersweet event.

Then, to top off my anxiety, our second oldest informed us her family consisting of son in law and two grandsons were packing up and heading west. My heart broke. I wanted to tell her not to leave, but could not. Part of being a parent is allowing our children to make decisions, to fly from the nest and to soar with wings like eagles without their mother hanging on for dear life. We met with the kids several time that last week, but could not bear to say goodbye. Finally, the night before they flew out, we had dinner together. I watched my daughter get irritated and restless and knew her heart was also feeling a tug. It is hard being torn in two by our decisions. We hugged hard not wanting to let go of each other. When we parted, I cried all the way home.

Two big changes in our lives happening weeks apart gave me no room to breathe let alone grieve. Then to make things even harder, our baby was going to graduate. While all of this will be part of my next blog, I have to let my heart ache a little as I write. Wham! Wham! And Slam!

I took most of this out on my poor hubby. He is very patient and surely a gift from God. I love him very much and getting away I tried hard to relax, reflect and pray. God surely was present this past week and our trials were many and tough. I think God with his sense of humor thought it might lighten my mood to be subjected to the heat, no power and primitive conditions. What I had not counted on was that it truly did. I enjoyed this time of healing.

The drive to Cadiz was sunny and the AC blasted the coolest air ever this last day. I felt wonderful in the cool comfort of the car. We stopped at a fast food joint, loaded up on not to good food and tried our phones out. The internet was slow, so I gave up quickly, but called our son to make sure the house was still standing.

We left the air conditioned restaurant and headed back out into the hot furnace with no where particular in mind. We drove aimlessly for awhile, snapping photos here and there, dropping mail off at the post office and ending up at the grocery for one last meal before we left. Neither of us liked the thought of cooking and were both feeling unmotivated, but we finally settled on a pack of hot sausage. I must tell you, I am not big on sausage, was only half hearted in the purchase, but unable to stomach much of anything.

As we head back to the cabin, to the heat, thoughts of boating far from our minds we settle into a silent ride. We stop here and there to snap photos of a huge downed tree from the storm and an old cemetery.

Once back to the cabin, we turn music on and focus the fans blowing hot air on us while sitting at the picnic table. We plan our morning out and survey the cabin as we moan over the chore of cleaning and packing that lie ahead. All of a sudden, the fan stops dead, radio goes silent and Mark and I stare in horror at each other. No breeze, no sound but the party next door and across the lake.

The fan shudders, starts and stops again! Mark and I wait, look at each other and moan. We try to figure out if it is everyone or just us. Could it be the electrical work he did in the morning, something gone wrong? Since it is still day light, we cannot tell if others are out as well. Music bounces off the lake loudly as boater blare the radio. A party across the way with chatter and laughter makes us wonder if we are not the only ones.

The deck thermometer rises higher still, over 100 and sweat is pouring over us in the still air. Heat index is several degrees higher than what we can see on the dial and the ice is melting fast.

On-off-on-off, the fans hum, and then stop. We start dinner and wait. Mark tells me he has had enough. We will either pack up tonight and go home, or stay in a hotel and return in the morning to clean. I do not like the idea and feel sad. This was to be our last night; our time alone and now I feel angry it may end too soon. I know that sounds silly in sight of the heat, but I wanted every second before I returned home to an empty house.

My sweet husband is encouraged by the sad look on my face to drive up the hill to investigate. I pray. I pray more. “Listen God, this has been a good bad vacation. Good for me, but hard on Mark. Can you do us a favor please, and turn the power back on?”

I run some water in the sink while we still have some in the pump, go to the bathroom. I continue praying. God is good; let me tell you, GOD IS GOOD! Suddenly, mid-prayer, lights flicker, music starts up and the glorious sound of fans. I praise God; say a word of thanks just as Mark arrives back. It seems there was some repairs being done up the road and the power went down while the men worked. I sigh deeply, our last night not ruined.

My husband makes the best dinner of our vacation. It’s funny how humble one gets with the little things in life, the simple things. God works in mysterious ways. He provided us a last night of power, a wonderful meal of meager potatoes, peppers and the hot sausage (which I might add is now my new favorite) and blessed us with safety. Life is good. I will cherish the lessons he taught me this week, one big important one is to turn to him more often. James 4:2 “You do not have because you have not asked.” The scripture is so true.

Trusting in God is something I strive more for these days. I shall rely on him to sustain me during the storms, the grief of an empty nest and the anxiety I have been having.

We are full and satisfied, not just from the dinner either, but from God who is taking care of us. We settle down in our sleeping spots, televisions on, fans positioned and comfort of being together one last night in our cabin hide away.

I would like to say, I slept good, but I had a restless night with thoughts of packing dancing in my head. Darkness envelopes us like a blanket thrown over us, finally my lids grow heavy, flutter, and close and dreams drift in like a heavy fog.

Good night – Sleep tight- Good night.


Teresa Gale

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vacation Day 7

July 5, 2012

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities. Who heals all your diseases.

Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.”

Psalms 103:1-5

Vacations can be a time to renew, refresh, recharge and rest our bodies, our minds and our souls. This vacation has surely been different in many ways. I know God moves in mysterious ways, but he woke me up with the realization of the blessings in my life, the things we take for granted.

Far too long I took the things of this world for granted. A mere flip of a switch for electric to light a room, turn on a fan and keep food either hot or cold. We don’t realize this until we lose it; we drown ourselves in the world of technology and seldom see or hear the beauty that surrounds us. I am for one so guilty of this. I busy myself with TV and do not enjoy it, I play on my games on my phone when I could be reading, and I turn on sound to drown out thoughts. Those things are just on the top of my head.

However, God knows what we need even if it makes us uncomfortable. He wakes us up to the blessings he supplies and I never give thanks far often enough. Please forgive me O’ Lord.

We slept like babies last night with the fans cooling us off, I even found myself reaching for a sheet to cover myself as the cooler air hit. Sigh…..heaven.

In the early hours we rise, thankful the electric is still on and the fans cover the noise of the critters outside last night. Dan, Mike and the Dogs are going to head home. I try to encourage them to stay now that we have power, but Dan has had enough of “roughing” it and longs to be close to home, friends and back to work. I watch silently as they pack, sad to see them leave. Dan wishes to leave by 7:30 A.M. as another storm is brewing. I pray for safety as I hear it is hovering over Cleveland and he will be driving through it.

Hugs, kisses, promises to call, pats on hairy back of our dogs and waves as we watch them hit the road. I, being the worry wart mother I am, will not rest till I know he is safe at home.

Mark’s shoulders hurt, and my legs gave me fits last night despite the fans or because of them. I am moving slower due to the ach in my legs. All is quiet, too quiet without the boys. I miss my son. Mark is busy doing his man things around the cottage. To the beat of hammer drumming as Mark repairs a step and builds a new plank to reach the boat, I busy myself with dishes, straighten the cabin and set out to dive deep into God’s word.

I am truly loving my time with the Lord in these early hours each day and wish I could or would take my bible outdoors more often when we return home. However, I know I have my own spot downstairs and change can be tough sometimes. So I will enjoy this time now.

Sunlight breaks through the trees warming my skin, the hum of hammer and fans drowns out the nature sounds I have come to love. The lake is quiet today, no sounds of boats.

We have not yet decided on our day alone. I hear that small still voice of God who tells me not to worry, to be still and refresh in Him. I sigh deeply, breathing in the scents around me while closing my eyes and putting my head back to rest a moment. How wonderful to rest in God. I sit quietly, meditating and praising. When I open my eyes, I see the red bird fly over my head rustling the leaves in the trees ever so slightly. How lovely.

Dan calls to let us know a few hours later he is safe at home and the dogs do not want to leave the cool air conditioner. They are sleeping and being lazy dogs enjoying the freezer like home. We laugh, tell him to enjoy the house alone and sigh with relief he is okay.

Once my worry stops, I can relax. I open a bottle of wine and for the first “real” time all week, I actually can enjoy some alone time with my husband. We talk and plan our day, enjoying the fact we have power. After some alone time and a shower, a couple of showers just because we can and the water cools us we decide to boat over to the Marina and have a bite to eat. The lake is still, the water hardly ripples as there is no breeze to move it. We only see a scarce boat or two here and there today.

We enter the Marina and order a cheeseburger and I got some so-so tasting Chicken tenders. I remember the days when the marina used to be full of campers and noise. It seems kind of sad to come and no one is around. We eat our meal and ride back to the cabin. I feel a little shaky, not sure if it is the sun or the glass of wine. I lie quietly on the front seat allowing the sun to beat down and the water to lull me into a light sleep.

The heat rises and the climb top side wears me out. I collapse in front of three fans and fall heavily to sleep. I do not want to move, the sleep feels good and the fans drown out all else. I allow myself sweet dreams and feel as if I am floating on the water, drifting to and fro. Today is a lazy day for me. I cannot seem to get motivated, the heat must have affected me more than I thought and now that power and water are restored, I feel God telling me to continue to rest. We all need this from time to time and so infrequently do we actually allow it. I tend to feel guilty when I have lazy days, but today I listen to my body and give in to the weariness.

I will not have days like this once we return and that time is coming far too soon. I enjoy this place, our little slice of paradise. I know when we tell our stories back home people will think I am crazy to have enjoyed it so much, but I truly did. Yet my mind needed this break from Televisions, phones, computers and the outside world. We work hard and this break is what God ordered. This is the most relaxed I have felt in quite some time.

I am not sure what all God wanted to accomplish with me, but he cleared my mind, my stress. Being at the lake has been good medicine. I constantly feel God surrounding me and telling me to “Trust me.” “Be still” and “Let go and let me in.” I need him in my life and often try to do things on my own. He however reminds me I am nothing without him.

We both nap once again and decide upon waking to head to the little town of Freeport in search of dinner. The Marathon station doesn’t have much to offer and hamburgers again do not appeal to either of us. We have no ambition to cook. We end up buying a sub sandwich to split and Mark makes a cucumber salad and grilled veggies.

Our laziness continues, we want to soak up the fans and modern technology we have missed. We fix our meager but filling dinner, make small talk and settle in for the quiet night of “The Big Bang Theory.”

Mark dozes off early while I keep imagining noises outside. I miss the boys and feel lonely and maybe a little homesick. I bounce from not wanting to leave the “Tree House” and returning home. I catch the ten o’clock news and sleep fitfully as I listen to Mark’s loud snores, the static of TV, fans and my imagined creatures in the woods. The dark forest outside makes for a scary night when you are up alone and this night seems extra long for me.

Finally, sleep rescues me from the thoughts of monsters and big brown bears in the woods and I drift off to sleep.

Good night All, Sleep tight.

Teresa Gale

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day Six of Vacation: Believe


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

July 4th, 2012

Day six of vacation and still no power yet. It is hot, it is beyond hot. The humid air hovers around us making everything sticky and unbearable. We slept restlessly last night with a little help from our neighborhood raccoons. It seems Rocky has friends and he invited them to an all night party at our cabin. We city folks are slow to learn, but we have improved. We brought the dog food in last night, burned the trash and bundled up leftovers. So Rocky was a little upset his midnight snack was not left out, as a result he and his friends made a racket that had the dogs howling.

I drug myself up off the lumpy couch with flashlight in hand and tried shining it on the black eyed friend. He didn’t even flinch but sat making raccoon noises and staring back at me. I guess he thought I would serve him like a fast food joint. Eventually, he grew tired and ran off into the dark night. Finally, I slipped back onto the couch and tossed around for a few more hours drifting in and out of sleep.

The critters seem to grace us all around. Early this morning I had the pleasure of watching a Redbird or Cardinal, my Grandma Goldie’s favorite bird floats above in the trees. I had to smile at this redheaded feathered friend. Shortly afterwards a tiny hummingbird came to check out the empty feeder. It is moments like this in the still of the woods that fills me with blessings and erases my discomfort. God sends us signals constantly but in my fast paced world, I rarely pause long enough to notice. This trip, it is as if God is shouting at me to be still!

So today, I will enjoy each moment, wipe the sticky sweat off and allow God to bless me. The sounds of birdsong are music that needs no electric and I am enjoying the melody, God’s songs.

“Sing your own song in your own special way.”

 Each day I continue my bible study daily and find God awakening me with lessons. It is as if he is whispering…”Remember this time, do not forget.”

Dan called the Marina to check if they might have power yet so we can gas up the boat. I can tell he is growing restless and the heat is agitating him. His frustration that we do not take the boat further out is hard on him. He hangs up the phone and disappointment is all over his face. Despite all this, Michael our great fisherman is content, calm and enjoying nature. He walks around the grounds in search of snakes, fish and today found a treasure of an empty turtle shell.

Mark and I decide to head to Marina any way to ask for a solution to our expensive boat we cannot go far in due to power failure. Parking the car we see light on inside!!!! Joy, Joy, Joy! They rented a generator and we can buy gas, supplies, ice and go boating. I am overjoyed Dan is less so.

We move slowly as the heat takes a toll on all. The men finally head to gas up and I stay back with the dogs packing up sandwiches and treats. The waiting tires me and I decide to start taking the supplies down to the boat, the dogs are way ahead of me and before I can leash them off they scoot down the “Heart Attack Hill”. I worry they will wander off and I won’t find them. Slowly I edge down the steep hill and find them standing on the dock wagging tails all excited. Both dogs are loving the boating and fresh air.

I stack the supplies and quickly wade into the water to cool off. Both dogs watch me and I pull them in to swim with me. They are both skittish, but I think they secretly enjoy the water. I luxuriate in the cool waters, bathing myself in its silky essence and thank God.

Boat Time and The Rock

The fish are scarce today, Dan catches the only one. Mike snagged a big one that broke his line and his heart. I sunbathe, burn is more like it and we head to find our “rock”.

The rock is a favorite find of ours over the years and one year we could not find the spot and went home disappointed. In my younger days I would hike up the steep bank and walk around the rock which is huge. Today, I watch from the shore as the men head up the hill and survey the rock. I swim, shoot some photos and decide it is a good place to take a bath. My eyes scour the surroundings and enjoy the view of the large hunk of rock we so love to visit as I dip precariously in the cool water. To my surprise, Mark joins me and we soap up, shampoo and I watch as he swims awhile. Mark is not one who likes to swim and I am happy to watch him cool off as he has taken the heat pretty bad.

Floating in the cool water we watch other boaters and dogs nearby do the same. It is an enjoyable time. The boys try hard to snag a fish which are not at all cooperating today. The water offers us refreshment and I am thankful for it today.

We snack on sandwiches on the boat. Sammy gets pretty hyper after he spots some low flying Geese and we have to calm him down. It is such a beautiful day in spite of the heat.

Back to the cabin, heat index reads over 100 degrees, still no electric. Each time we go out, we have high hopes the power will return by the time we reach the cabin, each time we are disappointed. We settle in, unpacking, changing clothes and talk about what to cook for dinner.

A loud rumble of engine alerts us we have company. Chesney from down the road rides up on a four wheeler to let us know power is on its way. About the time the words are out of his mouth, we see the first truck head up the end of the road to the sound of our cheers. Chesney states we might have it back in less than half an hour. We are so excited and thank Chesney for the news.

Of course a half an hour passes and not a flicker of a fan blows, then another half hour and still nothing. It is the Fourth of July and we want to celebrate. Mike decides to nap in the hot bunk house, Mark and Dan decide to cool off in car and make another ice run. I wait.

I hear another storm on the horizon, thunder rolls in the not so far distance and the clouds turn gray. I watch and grow hotter. Thoughts of the cool waters below call to me. I wrestle with the thoughts of heading down and the agony of hiking back up the hill. Finally, with sweat trickling over my brow I make an executive decision and grab a cane and start down the hill. The dark skies east of us bellow thunder. Two quick dips under the refreshing waters cools me.

A Blue Gill nips at me, not a hurtful nip, but enough to make me jump. I swim further out away from the dock and keep watch on the threat of storm clouds coming closer. A spark of light in the sky has me cautious and after one last dip below the water, I reluctantly step out.

Climbing the hill wearing a bright orange bath scarf alerts bees to chase me. I cannot win between nibbles of fish and threat of flies, stings I climb faster. A slow incline is not in the cards right now as the bees swarm my head and horse flies dive bomb around me. Breathless, I reach the top now shaky from burning muscles on this old gal. My effort to cool off now has been a waste as the run up the hill has me overly hot again. Drats! Nature sure has a way of making me humble.

The guys return and still no power. We are disheartened to say the least. We are surviving and have enjoyed this vacation, but a little electric would be so wonderful right about now.

Finally, on the Fourth of July a flicker of power turns on the light in the cabin and we rush to our feet to turn lights on and arrange fans. We now declare this an official celebration as our declaration. Dependent on each other these last six days has made us a team, but the electricity is sure a blessing.

We laugh, clap our hands and hoot with Joy! Dan’s face lights up with happiness and Mark arranges a fan on the deck and we sit and enjoy this luxury. Six days of primitive living, we survived. God has blessed us for our half hearted patience and I give thanks to him for pulling us through it all.

Daniel was great during the trip, he often jumped in and out of the boat to cook, clean, guide and even rescue some stranded 4-H gals. He carried things up the hills and was just such a blessing to us on this vacation. I so enjoyed our time together, however, he is done and ready to travel back to civilization. He offers to take the dogs back and he and Mike will head home tomorrow. I am sad, but know it is time. Mark and I will have a day or two alone.

Dan makes us a nice dinner again. Hamburgers, hot dogs, beans and wieners and wonderful fried potatoes, food of campers are the menu tonight. We enjoy each and every morsel

Fans run hot air over us, dinner done and dishes cleaned, we settle in front of TV’s , radio and anything the electric will allow for and we missed. I am happy to have a light to read by tonight. I read and study my bible, remembering to give thanks for this time alone with my men. The boys settle into the bunk house one last night relieved a fan will cool them off for sleep. The dogs have trouble cooling down and circle from one fan to another before they finally settle down for a long summer night nap.

God pours his spirit upon me reminding me to refresh myself often, recharge my spirit and remember this time. This has been more than a vacation for me, but a spiritual retreat.

“He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of  righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalms 23:2-3

Teresa Gale