Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vacation Day 8 - Last Day

July 7th, 2012

Last Day

Temps today are supposed to reach 100 degrees once again. Mark is going to run wires for our friend’s electrical problems which means turning off the power. We are hoping for one last boat ride before we turn it in tomorrow.

I will have one more morning here in my little hideaway. It’s been good. Despite the heat, no power and water, I got my wish. My wish was time away from the entire world’s technology and relaxing. Today while Mark works around the electric problems, I am going to clean a bit, then scrapbook outdoors.

I spend the morning under the shade of the tree and periodically check to make sure Mark is okay. The heat is rising and the power is off while he makes the repairs. Sweat pours off my poor man and he is running into some problems. I work on some pages and then begin to pace, trying to help Mark while I can. The cabin is stuffy with no fans and the temperature registers 90 degrees and climbing. Mark had started in the cooler part of the day, but the one hour job has now turned into four.

The birds are oblivious to the heat and sing to me while chipmunks rustle in the leaves. The sun is hotter and sweat pools in uncomfortable places. The morning air was not too bad, but by the time Mark finishes around 12:00 I watch the thermometer climb over 90.

Finally, success! Mark ended up running separate wiring for the fridge and got things back on. I cleaned the floors, dusted and we both showered. The fans back on and moving hot air around us. I will remember this time when I head back up to Cleveland for our winter freeze.

We decide to drive to Cadiz and get some food instead of taking the boat out in the heat of the day. As we leave the cabin, the temps are now a little over 100 degrees. Once in the car, the AC goes on full blast and we can feel our muscles turn to mush.

I am sad. It hits me hard we are soon to leave and vacation will end. Tonight is our last night, in the morning we will pack, clean the cabin and drive home. We will return to the work world, the stress and things that wait for us. I am a little homesick, but dread the return. I could have spent the whole summer in our little hide away.

For some time now, I have been fighting some anxiety and a little bit of depression. Agitation over small things, things that should not matter, has made me snap at poor Mark and the kids. Our oldest daughter had moved in with us for a little over 18 months with our two grandkids. I loved having her, but we also all needed our own space. It was hard watching her move out. I was happy she would be on her own, but missing her very much. She and I would spend many an evening talking, playing games and sharing. I had watched her and Mark grow closer. However, I wanted to return to being a grandma and not a second mother. So her moving out was a bittersweet event.

Then, to top off my anxiety, our second oldest informed us her family consisting of son in law and two grandsons were packing up and heading west. My heart broke. I wanted to tell her not to leave, but could not. Part of being a parent is allowing our children to make decisions, to fly from the nest and to soar with wings like eagles without their mother hanging on for dear life. We met with the kids several time that last week, but could not bear to say goodbye. Finally, the night before they flew out, we had dinner together. I watched my daughter get irritated and restless and knew her heart was also feeling a tug. It is hard being torn in two by our decisions. We hugged hard not wanting to let go of each other. When we parted, I cried all the way home.

Two big changes in our lives happening weeks apart gave me no room to breathe let alone grieve. Then to make things even harder, our baby was going to graduate. While all of this will be part of my next blog, I have to let my heart ache a little as I write. Wham! Wham! And Slam!

I took most of this out on my poor hubby. He is very patient and surely a gift from God. I love him very much and getting away I tried hard to relax, reflect and pray. God surely was present this past week and our trials were many and tough. I think God with his sense of humor thought it might lighten my mood to be subjected to the heat, no power and primitive conditions. What I had not counted on was that it truly did. I enjoyed this time of healing.

The drive to Cadiz was sunny and the AC blasted the coolest air ever this last day. I felt wonderful in the cool comfort of the car. We stopped at a fast food joint, loaded up on not to good food and tried our phones out. The internet was slow, so I gave up quickly, but called our son to make sure the house was still standing.

We left the air conditioned restaurant and headed back out into the hot furnace with no where particular in mind. We drove aimlessly for awhile, snapping photos here and there, dropping mail off at the post office and ending up at the grocery for one last meal before we left. Neither of us liked the thought of cooking and were both feeling unmotivated, but we finally settled on a pack of hot sausage. I must tell you, I am not big on sausage, was only half hearted in the purchase, but unable to stomach much of anything.

As we head back to the cabin, to the heat, thoughts of boating far from our minds we settle into a silent ride. We stop here and there to snap photos of a huge downed tree from the storm and an old cemetery.

Once back to the cabin, we turn music on and focus the fans blowing hot air on us while sitting at the picnic table. We plan our morning out and survey the cabin as we moan over the chore of cleaning and packing that lie ahead. All of a sudden, the fan stops dead, radio goes silent and Mark and I stare in horror at each other. No breeze, no sound but the party next door and across the lake.

The fan shudders, starts and stops again! Mark and I wait, look at each other and moan. We try to figure out if it is everyone or just us. Could it be the electrical work he did in the morning, something gone wrong? Since it is still day light, we cannot tell if others are out as well. Music bounces off the lake loudly as boater blare the radio. A party across the way with chatter and laughter makes us wonder if we are not the only ones.

The deck thermometer rises higher still, over 100 and sweat is pouring over us in the still air. Heat index is several degrees higher than what we can see on the dial and the ice is melting fast.

On-off-on-off, the fans hum, and then stop. We start dinner and wait. Mark tells me he has had enough. We will either pack up tonight and go home, or stay in a hotel and return in the morning to clean. I do not like the idea and feel sad. This was to be our last night; our time alone and now I feel angry it may end too soon. I know that sounds silly in sight of the heat, but I wanted every second before I returned home to an empty house.

My sweet husband is encouraged by the sad look on my face to drive up the hill to investigate. I pray. I pray more. “Listen God, this has been a good bad vacation. Good for me, but hard on Mark. Can you do us a favor please, and turn the power back on?”

I run some water in the sink while we still have some in the pump, go to the bathroom. I continue praying. God is good; let me tell you, GOD IS GOOD! Suddenly, mid-prayer, lights flicker, music starts up and the glorious sound of fans. I praise God; say a word of thanks just as Mark arrives back. It seems there was some repairs being done up the road and the power went down while the men worked. I sigh deeply, our last night not ruined.

My husband makes the best dinner of our vacation. It’s funny how humble one gets with the little things in life, the simple things. God works in mysterious ways. He provided us a last night of power, a wonderful meal of meager potatoes, peppers and the hot sausage (which I might add is now my new favorite) and blessed us with safety. Life is good. I will cherish the lessons he taught me this week, one big important one is to turn to him more often. James 4:2 “You do not have because you have not asked.” The scripture is so true.

Trusting in God is something I strive more for these days. I shall rely on him to sustain me during the storms, the grief of an empty nest and the anxiety I have been having.

We are full and satisfied, not just from the dinner either, but from God who is taking care of us. We settle down in our sleeping spots, televisions on, fans positioned and comfort of being together one last night in our cabin hide away.

I would like to say, I slept good, but I had a restless night with thoughts of packing dancing in my head. Darkness envelopes us like a blanket thrown over us, finally my lids grow heavy, flutter, and close and dreams drift in like a heavy fog.

Good night – Sleep tight- Good night.


Teresa Gale

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vacation Day 7

July 5, 2012

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities. Who heals all your diseases.

Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.”

Psalms 103:1-5

Vacations can be a time to renew, refresh, recharge and rest our bodies, our minds and our souls. This vacation has surely been different in many ways. I know God moves in mysterious ways, but he woke me up with the realization of the blessings in my life, the things we take for granted.

Far too long I took the things of this world for granted. A mere flip of a switch for electric to light a room, turn on a fan and keep food either hot or cold. We don’t realize this until we lose it; we drown ourselves in the world of technology and seldom see or hear the beauty that surrounds us. I am for one so guilty of this. I busy myself with TV and do not enjoy it, I play on my games on my phone when I could be reading, and I turn on sound to drown out thoughts. Those things are just on the top of my head.

However, God knows what we need even if it makes us uncomfortable. He wakes us up to the blessings he supplies and I never give thanks far often enough. Please forgive me O’ Lord.

We slept like babies last night with the fans cooling us off, I even found myself reaching for a sheet to cover myself as the cooler air hit. Sigh…..heaven.

In the early hours we rise, thankful the electric is still on and the fans cover the noise of the critters outside last night. Dan, Mike and the Dogs are going to head home. I try to encourage them to stay now that we have power, but Dan has had enough of “roughing” it and longs to be close to home, friends and back to work. I watch silently as they pack, sad to see them leave. Dan wishes to leave by 7:30 A.M. as another storm is brewing. I pray for safety as I hear it is hovering over Cleveland and he will be driving through it.

Hugs, kisses, promises to call, pats on hairy back of our dogs and waves as we watch them hit the road. I, being the worry wart mother I am, will not rest till I know he is safe at home.

Mark’s shoulders hurt, and my legs gave me fits last night despite the fans or because of them. I am moving slower due to the ach in my legs. All is quiet, too quiet without the boys. I miss my son. Mark is busy doing his man things around the cottage. To the beat of hammer drumming as Mark repairs a step and builds a new plank to reach the boat, I busy myself with dishes, straighten the cabin and set out to dive deep into God’s word.

I am truly loving my time with the Lord in these early hours each day and wish I could or would take my bible outdoors more often when we return home. However, I know I have my own spot downstairs and change can be tough sometimes. So I will enjoy this time now.

Sunlight breaks through the trees warming my skin, the hum of hammer and fans drowns out the nature sounds I have come to love. The lake is quiet today, no sounds of boats.

We have not yet decided on our day alone. I hear that small still voice of God who tells me not to worry, to be still and refresh in Him. I sigh deeply, breathing in the scents around me while closing my eyes and putting my head back to rest a moment. How wonderful to rest in God. I sit quietly, meditating and praising. When I open my eyes, I see the red bird fly over my head rustling the leaves in the trees ever so slightly. How lovely.

Dan calls to let us know a few hours later he is safe at home and the dogs do not want to leave the cool air conditioner. They are sleeping and being lazy dogs enjoying the freezer like home. We laugh, tell him to enjoy the house alone and sigh with relief he is okay.

Once my worry stops, I can relax. I open a bottle of wine and for the first “real” time all week, I actually can enjoy some alone time with my husband. We talk and plan our day, enjoying the fact we have power. After some alone time and a shower, a couple of showers just because we can and the water cools us we decide to boat over to the Marina and have a bite to eat. The lake is still, the water hardly ripples as there is no breeze to move it. We only see a scarce boat or two here and there today.

We enter the Marina and order a cheeseburger and I got some so-so tasting Chicken tenders. I remember the days when the marina used to be full of campers and noise. It seems kind of sad to come and no one is around. We eat our meal and ride back to the cabin. I feel a little shaky, not sure if it is the sun or the glass of wine. I lie quietly on the front seat allowing the sun to beat down and the water to lull me into a light sleep.

The heat rises and the climb top side wears me out. I collapse in front of three fans and fall heavily to sleep. I do not want to move, the sleep feels good and the fans drown out all else. I allow myself sweet dreams and feel as if I am floating on the water, drifting to and fro. Today is a lazy day for me. I cannot seem to get motivated, the heat must have affected me more than I thought and now that power and water are restored, I feel God telling me to continue to rest. We all need this from time to time and so infrequently do we actually allow it. I tend to feel guilty when I have lazy days, but today I listen to my body and give in to the weariness.

I will not have days like this once we return and that time is coming far too soon. I enjoy this place, our little slice of paradise. I know when we tell our stories back home people will think I am crazy to have enjoyed it so much, but I truly did. Yet my mind needed this break from Televisions, phones, computers and the outside world. We work hard and this break is what God ordered. This is the most relaxed I have felt in quite some time.

I am not sure what all God wanted to accomplish with me, but he cleared my mind, my stress. Being at the lake has been good medicine. I constantly feel God surrounding me and telling me to “Trust me.” “Be still” and “Let go and let me in.” I need him in my life and often try to do things on my own. He however reminds me I am nothing without him.

We both nap once again and decide upon waking to head to the little town of Freeport in search of dinner. The Marathon station doesn’t have much to offer and hamburgers again do not appeal to either of us. We have no ambition to cook. We end up buying a sub sandwich to split and Mark makes a cucumber salad and grilled veggies.

Our laziness continues, we want to soak up the fans and modern technology we have missed. We fix our meager but filling dinner, make small talk and settle in for the quiet night of “The Big Bang Theory.”

Mark dozes off early while I keep imagining noises outside. I miss the boys and feel lonely and maybe a little homesick. I bounce from not wanting to leave the “Tree House” and returning home. I catch the ten o’clock news and sleep fitfully as I listen to Mark’s loud snores, the static of TV, fans and my imagined creatures in the woods. The dark forest outside makes for a scary night when you are up alone and this night seems extra long for me.

Finally, sleep rescues me from the thoughts of monsters and big brown bears in the woods and I drift off to sleep.

Good night All, Sleep tight.

Teresa Gale

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day Six of Vacation: Believe


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

July 4th, 2012

Day six of vacation and still no power yet. It is hot, it is beyond hot. The humid air hovers around us making everything sticky and unbearable. We slept restlessly last night with a little help from our neighborhood raccoons. It seems Rocky has friends and he invited them to an all night party at our cabin. We city folks are slow to learn, but we have improved. We brought the dog food in last night, burned the trash and bundled up leftovers. So Rocky was a little upset his midnight snack was not left out, as a result he and his friends made a racket that had the dogs howling.

I drug myself up off the lumpy couch with flashlight in hand and tried shining it on the black eyed friend. He didn’t even flinch but sat making raccoon noises and staring back at me. I guess he thought I would serve him like a fast food joint. Eventually, he grew tired and ran off into the dark night. Finally, I slipped back onto the couch and tossed around for a few more hours drifting in and out of sleep.

The critters seem to grace us all around. Early this morning I had the pleasure of watching a Redbird or Cardinal, my Grandma Goldie’s favorite bird floats above in the trees. I had to smile at this redheaded feathered friend. Shortly afterwards a tiny hummingbird came to check out the empty feeder. It is moments like this in the still of the woods that fills me with blessings and erases my discomfort. God sends us signals constantly but in my fast paced world, I rarely pause long enough to notice. This trip, it is as if God is shouting at me to be still!

So today, I will enjoy each moment, wipe the sticky sweat off and allow God to bless me. The sounds of birdsong are music that needs no electric and I am enjoying the melody, God’s songs.

“Sing your own song in your own special way.”

 Each day I continue my bible study daily and find God awakening me with lessons. It is as if he is whispering…”Remember this time, do not forget.”

Dan called the Marina to check if they might have power yet so we can gas up the boat. I can tell he is growing restless and the heat is agitating him. His frustration that we do not take the boat further out is hard on him. He hangs up the phone and disappointment is all over his face. Despite all this, Michael our great fisherman is content, calm and enjoying nature. He walks around the grounds in search of snakes, fish and today found a treasure of an empty turtle shell.

Mark and I decide to head to Marina any way to ask for a solution to our expensive boat we cannot go far in due to power failure. Parking the car we see light on inside!!!! Joy, Joy, Joy! They rented a generator and we can buy gas, supplies, ice and go boating. I am overjoyed Dan is less so.

We move slowly as the heat takes a toll on all. The men finally head to gas up and I stay back with the dogs packing up sandwiches and treats. The waiting tires me and I decide to start taking the supplies down to the boat, the dogs are way ahead of me and before I can leash them off they scoot down the “Heart Attack Hill”. I worry they will wander off and I won’t find them. Slowly I edge down the steep hill and find them standing on the dock wagging tails all excited. Both dogs are loving the boating and fresh air.

I stack the supplies and quickly wade into the water to cool off. Both dogs watch me and I pull them in to swim with me. They are both skittish, but I think they secretly enjoy the water. I luxuriate in the cool waters, bathing myself in its silky essence and thank God.

Boat Time and The Rock

The fish are scarce today, Dan catches the only one. Mike snagged a big one that broke his line and his heart. I sunbathe, burn is more like it and we head to find our “rock”.

The rock is a favorite find of ours over the years and one year we could not find the spot and went home disappointed. In my younger days I would hike up the steep bank and walk around the rock which is huge. Today, I watch from the shore as the men head up the hill and survey the rock. I swim, shoot some photos and decide it is a good place to take a bath. My eyes scour the surroundings and enjoy the view of the large hunk of rock we so love to visit as I dip precariously in the cool water. To my surprise, Mark joins me and we soap up, shampoo and I watch as he swims awhile. Mark is not one who likes to swim and I am happy to watch him cool off as he has taken the heat pretty bad.

Floating in the cool water we watch other boaters and dogs nearby do the same. It is an enjoyable time. The boys try hard to snag a fish which are not at all cooperating today. The water offers us refreshment and I am thankful for it today.

We snack on sandwiches on the boat. Sammy gets pretty hyper after he spots some low flying Geese and we have to calm him down. It is such a beautiful day in spite of the heat.

Back to the cabin, heat index reads over 100 degrees, still no electric. Each time we go out, we have high hopes the power will return by the time we reach the cabin, each time we are disappointed. We settle in, unpacking, changing clothes and talk about what to cook for dinner.

A loud rumble of engine alerts us we have company. Chesney from down the road rides up on a four wheeler to let us know power is on its way. About the time the words are out of his mouth, we see the first truck head up the end of the road to the sound of our cheers. Chesney states we might have it back in less than half an hour. We are so excited and thank Chesney for the news.

Of course a half an hour passes and not a flicker of a fan blows, then another half hour and still nothing. It is the Fourth of July and we want to celebrate. Mike decides to nap in the hot bunk house, Mark and Dan decide to cool off in car and make another ice run. I wait.

I hear another storm on the horizon, thunder rolls in the not so far distance and the clouds turn gray. I watch and grow hotter. Thoughts of the cool waters below call to me. I wrestle with the thoughts of heading down and the agony of hiking back up the hill. Finally, with sweat trickling over my brow I make an executive decision and grab a cane and start down the hill. The dark skies east of us bellow thunder. Two quick dips under the refreshing waters cools me.

A Blue Gill nips at me, not a hurtful nip, but enough to make me jump. I swim further out away from the dock and keep watch on the threat of storm clouds coming closer. A spark of light in the sky has me cautious and after one last dip below the water, I reluctantly step out.

Climbing the hill wearing a bright orange bath scarf alerts bees to chase me. I cannot win between nibbles of fish and threat of flies, stings I climb faster. A slow incline is not in the cards right now as the bees swarm my head and horse flies dive bomb around me. Breathless, I reach the top now shaky from burning muscles on this old gal. My effort to cool off now has been a waste as the run up the hill has me overly hot again. Drats! Nature sure has a way of making me humble.

The guys return and still no power. We are disheartened to say the least. We are surviving and have enjoyed this vacation, but a little electric would be so wonderful right about now.

Finally, on the Fourth of July a flicker of power turns on the light in the cabin and we rush to our feet to turn lights on and arrange fans. We now declare this an official celebration as our declaration. Dependent on each other these last six days has made us a team, but the electricity is sure a blessing.

We laugh, clap our hands and hoot with Joy! Dan’s face lights up with happiness and Mark arranges a fan on the deck and we sit and enjoy this luxury. Six days of primitive living, we survived. God has blessed us for our half hearted patience and I give thanks to him for pulling us through it all.

Daniel was great during the trip, he often jumped in and out of the boat to cook, clean, guide and even rescue some stranded 4-H gals. He carried things up the hills and was just such a blessing to us on this vacation. I so enjoyed our time together, however, he is done and ready to travel back to civilization. He offers to take the dogs back and he and Mike will head home tomorrow. I am sad, but know it is time. Mark and I will have a day or two alone.

Dan makes us a nice dinner again. Hamburgers, hot dogs, beans and wieners and wonderful fried potatoes, food of campers are the menu tonight. We enjoy each and every morsel

Fans run hot air over us, dinner done and dishes cleaned, we settle in front of TV’s , radio and anything the electric will allow for and we missed. I am happy to have a light to read by tonight. I read and study my bible, remembering to give thanks for this time alone with my men. The boys settle into the bunk house one last night relieved a fan will cool them off for sleep. The dogs have trouble cooling down and circle from one fan to another before they finally settle down for a long summer night nap.

God pours his spirit upon me reminding me to refresh myself often, recharge my spirit and remember this time. This has been more than a vacation for me, but a spiritual retreat.

“He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of  righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalms 23:2-3

Teresa Gale

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vacation Day 5

And the Heat Goes On!

July 3, 2012

Every morning I wake up expecting a return to power and find instead darkness. I had another restless night, the heat climbs. I can smell Mark making the coffee, nectar for my veins. It’s a painstaking task, but I love the man for doing it. Stumbling into the semi dark bathroom wishing I could turn on water to brush my teeth, I improvise with a bottle of water to rinse.

It’s really not bad. I have memories of Grandma Goldie and Grandpa Ray taking us down to a camp they rented for the summer in Southern Ohio. The small cottage lay close to the Ohio River and we spent two wonderful weeks there. We lit the cottage with kerosene lamps, pumped water from the well and trudged warily to the Outhouse. We “roughed” it and loved it all, a childhood adventure. I am looking on this adventure as a challenge to treasure. What stories we will tell when we get home!

I think the thing we miss most is showering and flushing. Such a disgusting topic, but bathroom habits are a normal problem without running water. Mark, my marvelous and very inventive husband has solved my bathroom issues by pulling water from the sump pump overflow. The boys, well, have roughed it quite comically. The outdoors is after all, where our native ancestors and true to life campers have found ways to eliminate. Dan says the trick is to make sure the ground is sloping the right way. I leave all with that thought.

Mark and I sip our coffee and sit quietly in the midst of birdsong. What a delightful sound early in the morning. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all wake up as cheerful as our feathered friends lifting sounds of praise high above? The lilting sound makes me smile as I search the trees for my serenading birds.

We decide to head to Freeport and pick up some Ice, juice and bait. Water supply is running low, so we need to store up on this precious commodity. Half-way back to camp, we find we forgot the bait. Go figure. So, trip 2 will be the guys venture while I pack up items for the boat. Dan and Mark return to Freeport for the bait and bring back words that today (maybe) we will have power. We can only hope and Pray.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…God saw all that He made, and behold, it was very good…” Genesis 1:1, 31

I decide to let the men go fishing alone as I set out to clean the kitchen and work on scrapbooking. My skin is a little sunburned from yesterday’s boating, so going to take it easy and try not to bake anymore. I enjoy the surroundings and am content in the beauty of the woods. I love sitting on the “tree house” deck and create. It has been a good time all in all for me. I find no stress here, only my creative juices flowing.

One of my best friends, Jackie, bought me a beautiful journal that I am journaling our adventure in. I enjoy clipping photos and glue them inside the pages. I use stickers and sketch trees; it has become more than a journal, but a moving scrapbook. I do not know why I have never done one this way before. I enjoy jotting down words about our trip and then highlighting the pages in colors, quotes and photos of past times here. I am creating memories with our family and documenting our history here. I hope to continue journaling this way onward.

The sun beats down on me and I am aching for a swim and bath. The lake shimmering through the trees invites me down and I gather my items for a refreshing bath in the lake. The water is cool against my skin at first and then warms quickly. I view the lake, the trees and the sky and marvel at how peaceful it is here. Oh how I wish to bring this home with me, this feeling of relaxation and happiness. The soap lathers well in the water and I rinse off and swim a few laps back and forth stretching my muscles and cooling my skin. I so love the feel of water.

My eyes move from my cool spot in the water to the climb up the hill, not looking forward to that at all. Hunger forces me out of the water and my slow trek through the forest. I make a quick sandwich and a cold glass of pop with ice from the cooler and return to the deck noticing the outdoor thermometer registering mid eighties.

The guys return from fishing and tell me all about the catches they made, a fish fry is sure to come this trip. The guys grab some food and decide to rest before we make yet another trip into Freeport. The air is a little cooler from yesterday’s threat of a storm, but still the air does not stir. I am beginning to think my too hot husband is inventing trips into town on the pretense of forgetting items so he can cool off in the air conditioning of the car.

As we return, we pass by neighbor Ted, our camp Ambassador who informs us of some very unhappy news. It seems the campgrounds down the road which holds the key to our power was never reported out. I am in shock! No one has had power anywhere near us, how could the power company miss this? Don’t they have some sort of grids or something they watch? I mean the storm hit three counties and we are on day four without power. Feeling a bit dejected we drive on.

So now, like the Israelites wandering in the heat of the desert-we wait. I recall the story in the bible about the Israelites who wandered for forty years in a hot desert. Having been in Israel and seeing how small this country is, the story amazes me. God, are You there? Are you teaching us or testing?

We need a treat, Fish Fry tonight.

Teresa Gale

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Vacation 2012 Day Four

July 2, 2012

Powerless in Stifling Heat Wave

Another hot night left me tossing and turning. The nights’ here seem to drag on forever or is it just due to the super dark forest that surrounds us? The boys stay on the dock till late at night and then with flashlights climb “Heart Attack Hill”, oh to be young again! I often wake when I hear them come up, flashlights glowing on the deck and causing havoc with our dogs that sense more than just the boys in the woods. Last night the dogs woke me to bark, growl and run around my bed. It seems a critter or a few critters thought it funny we novice campers would leave trash for them. So they rummaged through the trash while our dogs were itching to attack them.

The thrashing on the deck sounded pretty loud and Mark rose to shut the glass door. We have no idea if it is small or large, but we do not want to invite the creature inside. Of course, closing the door made our cabin hotter and created more tossing and turning for me all night.

The next morning, yes, still without electric, we rose to find teeth marked paper plates and trash strew all over deck and on the ground. The boys shared they thought it was big, maybe a bear, but I think it was most likely a raccoon who are famously known for trash hunts. Time for coffee making and clean up before we head to the boat.

Yesterday we boated only once trying to conserve the gas, word has it may be several days before we see power restored. This storm hit hard and knocked out several counties. Yesterday, we had a threat of a storm which drove the boys off the dock around nine o’clock. Trees rustled with a strong breeze which had me cautiously eyeing the sky. The good thing, it never hit and it brought cooler temperatures for several hours.

Mark started the coffee while I straighten up our make shift beds, wash a few dishes and gather my bible and journal to sit on deck. While I read, Mark goes down under the deck to begin the critter clean up. As he exists the door, I hear him moan. Cobwebs like the one pictured on my page seem to materialize every night and no matter how often we knock them down, happy spiders rebuild quickly at night. Mark gets tangled every morning in the clingy webs.

Day Four of our primitive adventure is starting a little cooler. Mark had a bad health day yesterday and the heat really took its toll on him. I convinced him to keep a washcloth in the cooler of ice and apply to his face to cool off. For me, swimming works and I try to dip in the waters a few times a day, but Mark is reluctant to travel the hill with his joints hurting. He loaded up with water most of the afternoon, in this heat we are all dehydrating and keeping water on ice.

After clean up and coffee, we need to do an ice run. We buy food as we need it so it won’t go bad as the ice melts too quickly. My back hurts from the couch sleeping, but with the cooler temperatures slept a tad better than the previous couple of nights.

I keep my time occupied with reading and scrapbooking. I almost did not bring my stuff as I felt I might just be wasting the space, but so glad I did. Each day I spread out on the picnic table and work on a few pages. It helps pass the time and feeds the creative side of me. So far I think I have finished about seven pages in the last couple of days, I am even scraping in my journal. I find I like doing that. I find I am getting more creative things done here, except for writing. The only writing I am doing in my journal which details our trip and the cards and letters I send the kids. We will make a trip to town soon and I can mail them. I have no real distractions here and am getting more “me” time.

If only I could create time once home to continue with my creative side. This time with no power has stirred something inside me. I found we have many more resources when we really pay attention. We have learned to survive despite the irritation we have invented ways to make ourselves more comfortable and stuck it out for four days. This time of quiet without distractions is really what I have craved for a long time. So today, I give thanks to God for showing us what we are made of. Sometimes we are forced to become stronger and allow our creative sides to emerge.

Later, we decide to venture out to Cadiz which lies 13 miles away. Why does such a short distance stretch on forever when we travel on country roads? We do get to see the AE Power linemen at work, more trees down, fences pushed down from the thrust of the storm. Finally! Civilization!

You know you are in civilization when the golden arches of a McDonalds come into sight. Phone service! Limited for sure, but at least we can receive and send a few texts to family to let them know we are safe. We pull into the comfort of the golden arches and grab some late breakfast. Yes, fast food can really taste good after a few days without.

The town folk seem curious over us and a table set with several “elderly” gentlemen make small talk with us. Mark asks directions and we all discuss the storm. Dan states he thinks these same men were here last year and gave us directions. This place must be a social gathering for some folks.

We eat, check phones, use the running water facility and head out for our main excitement, The Dollar General Store. It seems funny that when you are from a bigger city and thrust into small town living how exciting an outing like this can really perk you up quickly. We all roamed the aisles looking for things we may need, a new ice chest as two didn’t hold all we needed, plastic bowls to put meat into, and other needed supplies. Seventy-two dollars later we left the store satisfied with our bargains. We took a quick tour of the town to find the grocery store and post office.

I am spending days not just scrapbooking and journaling but also to write the old fashioned cards and letters that I single handedly brought back to life a year or two ago. The post office was close the grocer and we quickly ran inside as the heat again was climbing into the upper nineties.

The grocery store is ok. Meat looks a little “iffy” to say the least. Another seventy dollars later for fruit, meat, drinks and veggies, finishes off our food needs. Our next stop is the hardware store to replace the basket we lost for fishing. Cha Ching! Our trip to civilization was an expensive venture for sure.

Now we head back to the cabin and our fishing time.

The rest of the day is spent fishing, boating, bathing and swimming. I catch another Blue Gill and enjoy the refreshing waters to cool off. However, when I bring out the shampoo and soap back at the dock, my little Blue Gills family start nipping at my legs while I try and bathe. Ouch! It does not hurt as much as surprise me and I jump each time one nibbles at me.

Dinner tonight is London broil, Fried potatoes and vegetables that Daniel Son cooks. The dinner was wonderful. Dan did a great job. The night heat is uncomfortable and even my dip in the lake is not enough to keep my skin from boiling. After dinner, dishes and clean up, I grab a cool rag from the ice chest and lie as motionless as I can with the rag on my head. It’s only 9:00 pm and I am miserable from the heat with no break in sight.

This is going to be a long, hot night and I am not looking forward to it. Up until now, I have weathered the heat pretty good, but tonight is my turn to pray for a rescue and a cool fan. Lying for several hours barely moving, I finally doze off as the air shifts and degree or two downward. The dog rouse me from sleep once again as “Rocky” raccoon visits us again. It’s 3 am according to my cell phone and I moan with aggravation. Heat, dogs, critters have kept me awake for several nights.

Grabbing a flashlight I pull myself off of the sagging couch better known as my bed and shine it out on the deck. Oliver our little fierce Yorkie, growls meanly while I scan the light around looking for our night critter. Sure enough, to my right, sitting next to the dog food we forgot again the bring in the cabin two beady eyes stare back and chop away unworried about me. I watch him for a moment and decide he or she is not worth my effort to scare him off and get bit. I crawl over the dogs shushing them and fall back onto the couch. Oliver gives one final forceful bark and growl before curling up by my legs miffed he was not allowed to get the critter. I almost believe our little Ollie could take the raccoon!

I struggle back asleep remembering the words for the local gossip line our favorite Ambassador Ted, that the electric company is edging closer to us and we should have power soon. Day four closes with those thoughts stirring me back to sleep.

We stink! Is my last thought as I drift into dreams of the hum of air conditioning and coolness.

Teresa Gale

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vacation Day 3

The Boat! The Boat!

Saturday afternoon we are finally able to get to the Marina and rent our boat. The Marina is also without power and warns us the tank is full, but they can not guarantee when power will be up and we can refill. As discouraging as this seemed, it was at least a bright spot in our vacation. A boat means swimming, fishing and at least trolling the lake!

Excited, we pick the boat up and the boys and I take it back to the cabin while Mark drives the car back. I actually get to drive, rare occasion. Dan however will dock it. We load up with cooler, ice, dogs and fishing gear and take off for the rest of Saturday, not returning until late afternoon. Boys were happy to fish and the dogs love the boat. I took pictures of the water, trees, men and dogs. The sun was hot and the water cool.

The rest of the day was spent cooking, cleaning up and talking. Mark and I exhaustlessly headed to bed as soon as the sky turned a soft gray. Dan and Mike settled in for the night on the dock to fish. They were having a grand time away from us parents with the water, fishing poles and stars that lit the sky.

Sunday July 1, 2012

We woke early again to find still no electric. I smelled the coffee rifting in the open door. Coffee was good, strong and I loved it. I suggested to Mark instead of the mug as he did the first day, he poured it through the coffee maker and straight into a pot. It worked! Not as hot and of course would not keep it hot, so he made enough for a couple of cups at a time. We are learning to be campers in a strange sense. Tedious, but oh so good to me. However, he and Dan found it way too strong and they ended up with the jitters.

I felt like I had slept way too long for me. Normally, I am a very light sleeper who wakes several times in the night and is usually up by 4 am to read. We had gone to bed much to early for this lady and my body ached from the couch.

The sun is out and the boys are still sleeping. Our boat lies waiting. The day stretches ahead of us and that makes me happy. It was going to be another hot day. Sounds drift around of others clearing up from the storm, chain saws, blowers and generators hum loudly. Despite the man made noises, the chirping of birdsong lifts in the air.

We decide to run and get ice and pick up some refreshments before we head out on the boat again. We look forward to a nice day of boating and fishing. The boys stock up on snacks and chatter about the day ahead.

The hard part about where the cabin sits is the hill you have to climb up and down to get to the lake. It is steep and only has a few scattered steps here and there. If the ground gets wet it is slippery mud and you slide. I brought a cane this time. We of course had to enlist the boys to carry items and take the hyper dogs down. Mark and I would then make a slow decline after them. This year I found it easier, not sure why, maybe it was my mind-set to make the best of it and I also chose not to rush. I took my time going down and climbing back up. The owner nicknamed the hill “Heart Attack Hill.”

We were all pretty happy to be able to take the boat out and I prepared sandwiches to eat on board. Sammy, our Golden Retriever must have remembered his last trip on the boat as he was super excited. He rode up front most of the time, sticking his head through the gate and sniffing the air. Oliver our small Yorkie lay down beside me, Dan called him a vacation dog because he knew the value of relaxation.

Yesterday we lost eight fish, one I had caught when we forgot to haul in the net before we took off. Not only did we lose the fish which was a shame, but the metal basket to keep them in. Dan felt bad and promised his dad to buy another. Of course now I had no proof of the lone fish I had caught. Darn it all!

A few hours of fishing, swimming and allowing the dogs to get wet and run along the bank was refreshing. The hot sun beat down upon us and the fish were a little more shy today but the boys had faith their night fishing would bring us more as the evening cooled.

I had taken a bath in the lake yesterday which felt great. I had small shampoo, conditioner, a bar of soap and liquid gel. Lake water would do for me and it cooled me off for at least a few hours after climbing back up the hill. I finally convinced the guys after two days and hot weather to try a bath in the lake I knew the stink would force them to go in or me to push them in. Let me tell you, sweat, worm guts and fish smell is not very appealing in temperatures of 98 plus. We stank!

Later, I spotted a beautiful red-headed woodpecker in the tree to the right of the cabin. A hummingbird feeder hung empty and I felt sad I would not see my little friend from last year. Birds are so lovely here and I wish I knew names of the several types I saw. We did spot a Crane or two on the lake. Lovely as it took flight as we edged closer, gliding through the air.

Our meal tonight will be hamburgers on the grill and some fried potatoes cooked by Dan our son. I think I shall sit and watch him cook while enjoying the sight of tall trees and sounds of laughter from my family. Even without electric, I find I am very much enjoying this time together. Who could ask for more? Thank you Lord.

Teresa Gale

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vacation Journal 2012 Day Two

Aftermath of the Storm

I had a fitful night of sleep. Every so often I would wake to check the coffee pot to see if electric came back on by watching for the little red light. I was met each time with darkness. I was just sure the electric would come back on in a few hours and was disappointed each time.

The cabin sits on the hill and it is surrounded by age old trees, so darkness envelopes us like a blanket. My eyes strain to look for any sign of light while my ears listen for the boys who are night fishing off the dock. Through the lace like leaves, I see glimmers of light from the pearl size moon.

In the wee hours of morning, Mark and I rose early as we normally do. My inventive husband figures out a way to make coffee. Lighting the charcoal grill, filling our iron skillet (Ha! again I brought something useful) with a bit of water to boil, filling a pot with water and centering it in the iron skillet he waits somewhat impatiently for water to grow hot and boil. He then takes a huge mug (Yes another treat I brought to make instant oats with) and a rubber band, fitting a coffee filter over top with the grounds. He pours water over top and there we have a small mug of coffee. Tedious for sure, strong most definitely, but well worth the wait as I take my first sip I thank my husband.

After coffee and a quick clean up, we decide to trek up the road and see if we can make it to the marina and pick up our boat for the week. We get part way up and find lots of limbs lying on the road and one big branch. I climb out and move the branch off the road, a few more feet and the same thing, another little bit and we have to move a larger branch off the road. We round the corner of the hill and carefully drive surveying the damage of broken trees and leaves lying all over the road. At the top we come to a complete stop and marvel at four large pine trees lying in across the road. There would be no way we can move these on our own. Here we were, stuck with no way out and no way for anyone to come in.

We call the friend whose cabin we borrowed and let them know what has happened. Our friend suggests we back down the hill and head to the first cabin where his neighbor Ted lives. Mark woke the poor fellow up and explained about the downed trees. Ted has a phone and said he would make a few calls. Nothing more we could do, so we head back to our cabin to wait.

So far, our vacation was turning into a little more than frustration. I begin trying to organize our items while Mark clears off the many limbs from fallen trees on our deck. It isn’t long before Ted rides up in a John Deer four wheeler letting us know the road is clear. We cheer and thank him. It seems the summer residents are very used to this stuff and have their own chain saws to handle Mother Nature when they can. While we novice campers found it troublesome, the residents shrugged it off like it was nothing.

We were now free to head to the Marina and check out the rest of our surroundings. Waking the boys with a promise of breakfast, we head back out. The road out is a steep one lane road in normal conditions, but today it is more of an obstacle course and we zig and zag up the road carefully till we reach the main road. The view is spectacular once out, set on what can best be described as rolling hills and farm land. Wild flowers dot the horizon making it very picturesque normally. However, today we find many downed trees, broken limbs and strewn debris everywhere we drive. Telephone and power lines are down, broken trees lying on top of them. The more damage I se, the more thankful I am for God’s protection. We have lived through a most scary wind storm.

Getting to the marina proved to be impossible with a closed road, instead we head to a little town called Freeport with the boys in tow. We figure we needed food and possibly ice. Three miles down the road, we found much of the same damage and to make matters worse, the only grocery store in town was permanently closed down. This vacation should have been a comedy show. We have to laugh, what else could happen at this point. Note to reader: Never jinx yourself by thinking the previous statement for you will surely find out just what else might happen.

We drive another block and notice lights on at a Marathon gas station and people lined up for gas. We venture inside the station slash small store to find they were running on a huge generator. This little place would become not only our life saver in the days to come, but it seemed the whole communities.

We had met the owner before on our last trip and found he was a man with a big heart. In the days that came on this trip we find he was honest and very helpful. The place became a source of information and supplies. He never hiked prices to take advantage of the situation and this in itself is amazing. It was a sure sign again from God there really are some good people in the world.

The owner tells us the news he hears from the authorities. Drum roll please….it could very well be days before electric is restored. The storm hit three counties hard in our area and may well have also done damage state wide. We moan at the thought of no electric fans in the heat that is promised. There lay my wish before our trip to be far from technology. God does have a sense of humor.

I have also bemoaned the fact that in our techno world, we have lost touch with the human factor. I am a believer in real written letters, less texting and game playing. Although I admit I succumb to both in my life, I find it really bogs me down. So here we are in the midst of a small town without those things plus the luxury of electric.

Until you lose power, you don’t always realize how much you rely on it. Simple things like water, for our system at the cabin is run on a pump for the well, will be surely missed in this heat. From the newspaper we read temperatures are climbing to record breaking numbers.

We head back to the cabin laden with ice and some food supplies to get us through the day. We have two coolers with us and load up on water, refreshing drinks and food. The boys trek down the steep hill to the dock and we hear excited cheers, they have snagged a big catfish on the line and continue to fish for more.

Dogs sit happily at our feet, Mark fillets the fish the boys bring up and I cheerfully sit back in the shade and take it all in. Here we are on a vacation with the most unusual circumstances, but I feel light and carefree. Birdsong lifts in the air and butterflies circle our camp. All feels right.

I remember the storm from the night before and how frightened I had become. How do you describe the fear at seeing giant trees bent double and what sounds like giants’ throwing rocks on a wooden roof? The image stays with me as well as the fact God sent his Holy Spirit to me as I prayed. “Trust me”. Indeed! God is with me. In Him I put my Trust.

I sit back watching my family move about chores on the deck and smile. We are safe, together and working on solutions. What could be better than this?

Teresa Gale

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vacation Journal 2012 Day One


June 29th, 2012

The day has finally arrived, our vacation. After much date crunching and switching events around we have made the decision to just go and enjoy. We are borrowing a cabin from a friend of Mark’s down on Piedmont Lake; it will be our third time we have stayed in Hidden Ledges.

I love the huge deck that has a “tree house” feel to it. The cabin itself has only one room, one bath and a small bunk house with four bunk beds. Daniel and his friend Mike will stay in the bunk house while Mark, myself and the two dogs will take on the “master cabin.”

As usual, I have packed a lot. I get laughed at every year. However, this year the stress of the months before had me a little fuddled and I ended up not bringing several items I normally would. Still, we had garbage bags full of pillows, blankets, towels (even bath rugs) and supplies. Mark shakes his head as I carry bag after bag of items out to our small car. Luckily our son was able to take a huge load as well. Fans are much needed as there is no a/c in the cabin, so that also has to be lugged. Our family jokes I bring everything except the kitchen sink and if I could, I probably would. Spices, potatoes, coffee, filters, salt, pepper, all the things I know we have that will come in handy on our nine day stay.

Sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier to check into a hotel and order room service, but we enjoy the grilling out after a day on the boat fishing. We had reserved a boat but had no confirmation. It seemed every detail of our trip was a little more stressful this year, so we decided to just go with it and get away.

We set out around 12:30 P.M, after Dan got off work, gassed up; we watched the temperature rise higher and higher on our three hour drive finally reaching 100 degrees by the time we arrived. Air conditioner in the car can be very deceiving. Once we opened the door to start unloading we were hit with the stifling air, much like opening a hot over door. As we opened the door to the cabin, it had to be even higher inside after being shut tight. So unloading was slow moving, taking our time putting things right and taking breaks to water up. It was most unbearable heat.

I went about opening the windows in the cabin and as I reached over the sink my eye caught sight of one of the biggest spiders I have laid eyes on since the one who took a shower last year back home. Screaming, (yes I am a terrified of the eight legged creatures) I ran out to the deck and screamed for someone to kill it. To the rescue came Mike who loves all things insects and as I would later find out snakes. He studies them and is a world book of knowledge on types. Laughing at me, he says he “took care of it.” To me taking care of it means squashing it, he instead set it free into the “wilderness.”

As we lugged bag after bag onto the deck and into the hot cabin, I worked feverishly to try and put the necessary items away, taking frequent, and I do mean frequent breaks to sit and refresh with cold water. The men teased me over all the supplies I took but by the end of the trip, they would be grateful over several items they had first thought unnecessary.

After taking another break to wipe the sweat from my organizing, I sat down on a lawn chair and asked Mark to turn on some music. We were so glad to finally be there, I wanted to celebrate while we worked. The music soon turned into a siren blaring and a weather watch warning. Having been through a few storms, I wasn’t much worried until Mike said he got an alert on his phone that stated, “Take shelter immediately.” Mark looked worriedly up in the sky and mouthed something about high winds. Again I shook it off, told him not to worry and he stated they were talking about winds coming in over 70 miles an hour.

No sooner than the words were out of his mouth and the sun dipped behind some angry looking clouds darkening the sky. The wind started as a small breeze and just as I stepped back outside to sit down and enjoy the coolness, a sound like a train caught my attention. I looked to our right and trees started bending before my eyes. The boys sitting on deck chairs laughing at Mark soon turned into scurrying feet to run inside just as a huge tree branch fell on the deck taking out a chunk of wood with it.

The roof sounded as if someone were on top with a jack hammer. I jumped, moved inside quickly as Mark slid the sliding glass door shut. Rivets of rain pelting down hard and we watched in horror as the trees looked as if they were breaking like thin sticks. I sat down on the sofa and prayed. I prayed hard for protection and for the storm to pass. Mike kept his phone on and informed us the storm warning stated it would pass in an hour.

I didn’t think my heart could take an hour of the pounding the little cabin was taking. My thoughts turned to all the trees surrounding us and the tall ones on the slanted hill above the cabin. I had visions of them all crashing down upon us and several whacks against the roof and walls had me thinking this was true. My hero of a son put his arm around me and kept reassuring me it was okay. I kept talking to God, feeling his peace flow over me. Lightening lit the sky, thunder roared and the wind would momentarily die down only to pick back up at full speed. Everything we thought it was passing, it started again hurling branches, rocks, walnuts and debris towards us.

The storm lasted over an hour with me shaking, praying and Mark looking quite worried for our safety. The lights dimmed, the radio went off and then all power went out leaving us in a dimly lit room. Fans that were keeping us cool went silent. At last it stopped. We stepped out on the deck to survey the damage of downed trees and limbs. The deck was strewn with leaves, branches and walnuts. The one good thing this storm did was drop the temperature 20 degrees bringing us a bit of refreshment from the heat.

I stared in amazement that as best we could tell, we had little damage to the cabin and praised God we were protected and safe. Taking a big sigh of relief, we set about finding candles, (yes, laugh at me now) and flashlights to clean up what we could. I had yet to finish unpacking and now the sky was much darker and not allowing much light to work with, I left it for the next day.

The boys, now feeling safer decided to trek down the steep hill to set up a line to snag a fish. Mike loves to fish and could hardly wait to try his hand on the lake after the storm and cool air. We talked about the storm, lack of electric and how we would handle the night. I pulled blankets out as the temperature dropped even more and the breeze chilled us. (Yes, laugh at me now men, blankets to keep you warm). Who would have thought 100 degree temperatures would drop so fast we would need blankets for the night? I guess only a mother who tends to over pack. Turning in for the night, snuggled under a blanket, I thanked God again for His protection. Tomorrow we would finish cleaning up, put things away and pick up our boat. Those were the thoughts I had before shutting my eyes to sleep. Tomorrow, for sure would be another day.

Teresa Gale

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Trust Me

“Trust Me”

“I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble. When my spirit grows faint within me it is you who know my way.”

Psalm 142:2-3

The other day I had a heart opening moment for me in many ways. I am one of those people who play that nasty old game of “worst case scenario.” You may know the game also, maybe even played it a time or two.

When I am especially worried about something or someone one, I run scenario’s through my mind. I am a big worrier, family trait I believe, so this game happens a lot. I know in my heart I should take it all to God, but sometimes I just can’t help my human self.

Last Monday we had our bible study on David, an awesome study with some real heart sharing. Trust is always something I struggle with. Past hurts, fear of failure, insecurities, self worth, all of it keeps me from complete trust, even in my God.

It’s not that I do not believe it is more of an “I should do it myself” kind of thing. I have spent my whole life doing just that, so trust is hard for me. It means letting go of control and allowing God or other’s to not hurt me.

I pray, I pray a lot. Sometimes it is an off and on prayer all day long. And I believe in God and in miracles. However, I think sometimes God likes to give me a little wake up call, or test. He wants me to trust in Him more in fact He wants me to trust Him in all things.

After our lesson last night we shared about trusting and listening to God’s voice when He leads us. It was a touching time that opened my heart even more. To be truthful last night I especially needed this sharing and study in God’s word. What I really needed was a lesson in trusting God with everything.

My wake-up call started about a week ago. I had some tests my doctor ordered, just routine tests, but one I had been putting off for a while. I had faced a health scare two years ago with a blood clot that had fearful me to the bone and was finally starting to relax and rest in the Lord. So the tests were needed and went pretty well.

Then two days later I get a call from the hospital asking me to return and re-take my mammogram. The kind voice on the phone said something about “Density” and might require an ultra-sound. I scheduled the appointment, felt a twinge of worry, but mostly felt a sense of peace.
I didn’t allow the “worst case scenario” thing to play any recordings in my head. When the thoughts did escape a time or two, I brushed them away with a short prayer. This for me was strange in itself. I actually felt as if God were telling me all was okay.

Then two days after the phone call, I get the form letter, only this was worded in a not so comforting way. It stated that “something was found on my film and you need to return”. Well, the enemy of worry threatened to shake me into that “worst case” thought mode, but again I shook it off. My first immediate thought was to reach out to a good prayer warrior and I did request prayer from my friend Beth and let it go.

So on Tuesday, I trudge off to the testing. The staff at the local hospital is amazing, compassionate and so kind that they put me at ease. The technician reassured me during the second procedure she did not see anything more and that I would most likely not need an ultra-sound. So I felt relaxed. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and chatted with another woman going through the same thing.

As I sat with this stranger in a small room trying to make small talk through her worries, I silently prayed for her. The technician came to take this kind lady off to her ultra sound and I told her I would pray for her and good luck. I sat alone only a moment before my tech returned and to my surprise told me I would also be scheduled for an ultra sound but again reassured me it was routine.

Waiting is the hardest sometimes. I had thought when I left work I would only be gone an hour tops and be able to attend a women’s health lunch. Little did I know what the real “test” laid ahead of me this day.
I was met with some truly amazing women health care givers and I cannot praise them enough for their kindness, compassion and care of me. I felt at ease as the technician who would be giving me the ultra sound explained the procedure and how she also felt all was well.

Two hours later, still lying in a position that made me think of a contortionist, arm over head, half lying on my side, a wedge supporting my side on a table surely designed for someone super tiny, upper anatomy exposed embarrassingly to young girls; I was prodded.

The frown upon the young technicians face as she searched for the spot the radiologist wanted her to concentrate on was only slightly unnerving. She gently told me she needed another tech to assist.

Don’t worry.” She explained, “I really do not see anything which is good, but the radiologist will want us to be accurate.”

She left me, lying in this uncomfortable position for I am not sure how long, but long enough for worry to set in, and my body to cramp. Finally, I slowly sat up, feeling like a “bad little girl” for not lying still and stretched. I listened for what surely was forever in my mind but in actual time only several extremely long minutes. At long last, she returned with a cheerful technician and they had me get back into my “circus contortionist” position. The prodding continued on for what seemed like forever, in fact long enough for the dreaded fear to shake me and the “worst case” scene playing in my mind as I strained to look at the screen and hear the whispers they two techs were speaking.

First off, hospitals should have more relaxing atmospheres for us fearful patients. I would have peaceful scenes painted on walls and ceilings, soft music piped in and please, return a clock to the wall so we can see how long we have been stuck in a boring room with our fear.

There was no place to look but an all white ceiling. There was nothing to hear but the concerned techs trying to pinpoint something unseen inside my body, making me more nervous by the second.
By now, the mind was like a speeding train with thoughts of disaster around the bend. There just was nothing to distract myself. I started thinking of treatment, of life, and about how to tell my family. I mean the “worst case” became planning the funeral. That is what waiting and the unknown can do to my mind. I caught myself in this shameful act and stopped a moment, took a deep breath and called out to God.

“God, please let this go okay, send protection to surround me.” Then I started quoting in my head the bible verses I had memorized.

Psalm 6:2

“Have mercy upon me Lord for I am weak. O’ Lord heal my tired bones are troubled.”
Psalm 18:32

“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”
1 Peter 5:7
“Cast all your anxieties upon Him, for He cares for you.”

On and on, over and over I would repeat and cling to His word.

A voice spoke two words in my head. “Trust me.”
Two simple words I felt in my head and heart several times. Peace enveloped me and raged a battle with the fear.
I grew uncomfortable in my position and frustrated. I wanted to shout please stop. Instead, I rested in the Lord who is my fortress. When I thought I could stand it no more, He would still me. The technicians after about an hour and half, decided to film what they did see and with serious faces told me they would confer with the radiologist who would most likely come in to repeat the ultra-sound.

This was not what I wanted to hear. I was allowed to sit up and rest a moment. Alone in the darkened room, God spoke again. “Trust me.”

After several moments, the technician entered and with a smile told me I had no cancer. I did have a nice sized cyst in an elongated duct. That might explain some tenderness I was experiencing. She told me all was well and repeat the mammogram in a year.

I will tell you without shame, I cried. I burst into tears of thanksgiving and let them fall. Relief set through me as my body shook with the emotion. I had a reprieve. I had a flash of the women who shared the waiting room with me and felt a surge to pray again for her.

I learned a lesson, one I hope to cling to this; Listen to that small voice that comes from God and wait. No matter what the news, I was in His hands. I was not in control and no matter what the outcome, He had me covered. I am so thankful I did not hold cancer that took my Grandmother and her sister.

I have a few other health battles to conquer right now, but I have the hand of God upon me, in that I trust.

Praising God!

Teresa Gale

Monday, May 21, 2012

Single Special Moments-Treasure Hunts

Single Special Moments

Special moments in life come every single moment of the day, often we miss them. Life is busy, life is full, things happen and the rush of life passes us by.

I am in my fifties, almost half way to sixty. I feel the pressure of life just as well as the next person. Some days I look at my life and wonder how in the world I did it all when I was in my twenties, thirties and forties. A mom of six, grandma of 8, a wife of a wonderful husband, I lead a very hectic life. I work full time in a job that consumes too many hours of the day. I have poor health and cannot do the things I so wish I could do, but I try.

My children have always been my world and they are most precious to me. I believe God destined me to have the family I was meant to have. Yet I struggle, I juggle and I end up with much guilt every moment of each day. I worry over them and about them each. I wonder if I have given enough, spent enough time with this one or the other and it is a battle I wage constantly.

My biggest fear is that I will let a moment pass me by that might be my “last chance.” I fret over the fact that time is precious and I want to soak up every single precious moment God blesses me with. So when I can, as much as I can, I grab them. Those precious single special moments are mine to claim.

This past weekend was just that for me. For the past several years I have attended an annual yard sale in Columbus with my brother. My second oldest daughter, Suzanne and her two small boys were my companions again this year; this makes their third or maybe fourth time. This year as an extra special treat, my best friend Jackie joined us. For me, this trip down south is not so much about the bargains I will find, but the time I get to spend with my brother and those I love.

It is an adventure for sure. We arrive at my brother’s lovely home the night before to visit and prepare for the bargains the next day. We set out as early as we can with small kids in tow. We walk streets in heat, in rain and against a tidal wave of people in search of that something “special” they cannot live without year after year. We trudge with strollers, canes, swollen and tired feet. We search for treasures that we know will be fun to take home and place in that certain space just waiting for it.

I often come home with stuff I later look at and think; really? However later, when I pass them on a table or glance at them on a wall, or flip through the pages of a well worn book I just had to read, I find it is not the item that enhances my life. What enhances my life if the memory of the find, the hunt and the time, that single, special moment spent with the ones I love.

So this weekend for me was just that, trying to capture that single moment to remember, to hold on to tightly. In a couple of weeks, my daughter, my Suzanne will move across the country to Nevada and begin a new chapter in her life. Our annual hunt for treasures may end. I grabbed this moment knowing that our time is limited.

Although in other’s eyes, it may not have been a perfect weekend. We struggled with my painful legs that had me moving slowly, we struggled with two little ones who were not always patient with our hunt and with the heat. We stumbled along paths and through crowds that would turn others away, yet we trudged onward. I pushed myself, not willing to give up, not wanting the day to end. Reluctantly I gave up the chase.

The little guys had enough and so did Suzanne, Jackie and I were okay to finally call it quits, for we knew where the true value of the hunt lie. We rested a bit and waited for my parents who arrived a couple of hours later for dinner. As we sat around a long table at a “Fifties” diner, I surveyed those in attendance and missed those of us who for one reason or another could not join us.

Flashes went off as I snapped one photo after another trying to capture images for memory pages later. My dad’s health is failing so time is truly precious to me. I watch my mom’s smiling face and just wish to still this moment and chat awhile longer. I want to hold tightly to those I love so dearly and not let them go.

We chatted, dined, and with sorrow hugged each other as we parted. Another full evening of “deck” sitting at my brother Mike’s awaited. Back at his home, we showered to get the city dust off and gathered together out on his large deck where we shared my famous sausage balls. I sat back as the sun set, viewing the candle light and bonfire reflecting off sweet faces. I rocked little Parker sound to sleep as I listened to the chatter and laughter of my good friend Jackie. It was to those sounds that I drifted off to sleep in my chair. The day had been fulfilling, the company sweet. The hunt had not been a success in “things”, but in the people I adore.

Back at home, tired from the talking, walking, driving and whatnot, I loaded up photos to my computer of my weekend. I stopped at the one I am sharing here today and found myself choked up with emotion. My daughters blue eyes shine back to me and her grandpa’s smile lit up my heart. My daughter is soon off to the Wild West like a pioneer of old seeking her own treasures. My father who is aging and ill struggles to stay with us and keep active in his life.

I see the two loved ones faces and know as I always have, where real treasures lie. It is in my heart, full of love for family, for friends and for our lives. This past weekend’s memories will be stored in the treasure trunk of my mind, in scrapbooks and in my heart.

Teresa Gale

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

My body was raging as I rolled over at 3:30 am this morning, yet the bladder was playing Call of Duty and urged me to obey. Slowly I rise and stumble into the bathroom only to find our small dog has the same idea.

Oliver, is happy to see I am up and what he considers in his very hyper way, “at ‘em.” I groan in reply. Dusty our oldest cat begins to cry in his most irritating way and I can see there is no stumbling back into bed.

So here I am in the wee hours of the morning taking out both our dogs. I hate this part. Normally, I pretend to sleep while hubby does this chore, but I know he has been working pretty hard and being a good wife…. Well you get the picture.

My legs don’t work so well that early, my stiff joints scream as I tentatively walk down to the edge of the drive and allow our dogs for the millionth time to sniff every morsel of earth they can find.

Sighing I stretch and wait. Moving my body slowly and lifting my arms up over my head, my stretch feels good. I open my eyes and my reward is a most lovely sky full of diamonds. The stars above my head twinkle in the dark sky. It is then I become more awake and notice my surroundings.

The early morning hours are still, so quiet that I am amazed. Last night as our neighbor cut his grass for the second time in just a few days, then another edged their lawn, and another….well you get the picture. It was a most unquiet evening the night before. Yet here I am standing in the midst of my driveway listening to the sounds of nature.

A breeze lifts the new leaves and rustles them awake, a frog croaking his morning song lifts in the air and nothing else. Quiet, beauty and stillness surround me. God in all His Glory knew I needed this. I sigh a prayer of thanksgiving and enjoy the scents and sights around me.

How often have I missed this? How often do I rush head long into the day without pausing and enjoying God’s gifts? Too often I can tell you, way too often. We get in ruts, rituals as our family calls them. We rise, repeat, rinse and start all over again. Today I am thankful God saw fit to wake me early to nature’s call and enjoy this blessing.

Our lives right now are full of worries and change, yet God blesses me in the single moments, the small things as well as the large. I can tell you when I rise tomorrow, I may not want to get out of bed, but I may just take the dogs out again and let hubby sleep in. I need more moments like this in my life.

Teresa Gale

Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Seasons

A New Season: Beginnings and Endings

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.—Anonymous

There are new changes on the horizon of our family. The wind has shifted and one season exits and another is blowing in.

I am trying to wrap my heart and mind around these changes, but find the emotion of it all washing over me like a wave rolling on the shores. I know with a family our size that nothing can stay the same and we are bound to go through many shifts and transformation. You would think as a mother of six I would be used to this, but in this season of my life, I am having some mini-melt-downs at the very thought.

Once upon a time, this house we live in was full of chatter and activity. When one has four daughters and two sons, the house thunders with sound. The bathrooms were always full, floors always wet and towels always being washed. Empty cartons of food tumbled over full trash cans and Televisions in almost every room competed with the different taste of the viewers. Our kitchen table was used for family dinners, game playing, homework and the dreaded “family meetings.”

Our home was always full of several different age groups of children and their friends, cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and guinea pigs. I was used to the volume; I loved the chatter, not so much the mess. Our home was full of lots of love.

One by one each child grew and asserted their independence. One by one they each tentatively stepped a foot outside the boundaries of our safe home, venturing out and creating their own lives. It was never, ever easy for me to witness. Often I would succumb to tears as the thought of my child, the child that had grown in me and around me left our home. I would be overcome with a feeling of loss, worry and pride for each of them. I was never able to physically help them pack, but often would help in the setting up of their new homes.

I am reminded of that song of childhood; “One little, two little, three little Indians…..” One by one they flew from the nest and struck out on their own. I have been present at each graduation with teary eyes and a heart full of love. I have witnessed weddings and births.

The door to our home has always remained open and at one time or another, each one has returned for a season.  Several times the came to gather strength and comfort. Once they got steady on their feet each would take another deep breath and head back out into the jungle of our world.

Our oldest daughter did just that almost two years ago bringing her two children home to heal, rest and gather strength to head back out. It is never easy to move back home, I understand that. Personalities sometimes bat at each other, struggles, conflicts all happen as we go from mothering to stepping back and allowing our children to figure things out. She has recently set out with her children again on her own. We are happy for her and support her choice, yet we miss them. Our home has grown quieter. I pray daily that God will bless them and strengthen her family.

Our second oldest daughter has recently announced she has taken a new job on the West Coast, thousands of miles away. So at the end of this month, she, her husband and two small boys will set out on a new adventure. I am reminded of the pioneers, our ancestors who settled out west and panned for gold. She will be working for a mining company who does just that. She will face many hardships, but like the ancestors of days long past, she and her family will survive and learn new things. They will settle in and do well. I have faith in that, just as I have faith that God is in the works.

Our third daughter took on a new job this year, one that requires longer hours and much patience as she attends the ailing. We juggle time together to work around her schedule and God surely is using her talents to care of those who need compassion. I am so proud of her.

Our youngest daughter has faced many health problems, a new job and a new promotion. Our time together is precious; my worries over her swallow me up some days. Like all of my children, I am amazed at her strength, but fight this constant urge to pull her home, and mother her into good health. My heart aches that she has to suffer through her ailments and pray God would heal her.

Our oldest son is getting married this year. He already has a beautiful family and now will seal his commitment with his charming wife. We are so happy for them and I find myself emotion filled at the little boy I met 19 some years ago. I did not give birth to this son, but have loved him as my own. He is going through many new changes with a possible position change at work. My prayers are steady and sure for him

“Now there is one….”

The baby, our son, will graduate in just a few weeks. Where did the time go? I pause writing this as I read back to the start. Was it not just yesterday I watched our oldest receiving her diploma? Where has time gone?

I remember at her ceremony, sitting at the very top of the bleachers with my husband gazing down to the floor chairs as elderly people walked in to take seats. I recall the joke I made back then. “One day Hun, that will be us when Daniel graduates.”

Here we are we have come full circle. From our oldest child to our youngest graduating, where did time go?

Our youngest is head strong, knows what he wants and is so impatient to get there. My advices to him…”slow down….enjoy the ride.” One day he will look back just as I am this Mother’s Day morning and wonder; “Where did time go?”

In a flash, before we know it, it happens. Seasons come and seasons go; we move from one to another without pausing long enough to enjoy, cherishing the now of the moment. In the Spring of our lives, we are so impatient with getting to Summer. We never realize how quickly each season passes.

The buds of Spring, the start of life is so precious, so busy as we are filled with growing and watching the growth. We are overwhelmed with the beauty of this season and excited to see the blooms turn into the lovely flowers.

The summer is upon us and everything is in full bloom. We are so busy tending the blooms we often sit still in the garden of our life to enjoy the lovely fragrance. We are constantly looking ahead to the next chore, the next weeding time and worrying over the next season.

Autumn of life rushes at us and we are dazzled about the beauty before our eyes. So lovely is this season with the brilliant colors of growth that we become sad at the thoughts of the leaves falling from our sight. We are soon surrounded by the crunch of life beneath our feet and we sprint to catch them before they fall. We are overwhelmed with the emotion of this season. The buds have now opened and are shedding to begin life anew on their own.

Winter brings its own spectacular season and we become stuck here in isolation. We are mesmerized by the stark whiteness in this moment that blinds us. We stand alone, waiting for spring to begin. It is in the coldness of this season we start dreaming of days gone by, chances missed, and times of the past that fortify us for the future. We store up memories of the past and treasure them. We now realize the beauty of each and every season and only wish we could have enjoyed each moment.

As I face this season of change, the Autumn and Winter of my life, I realize how precious this gifts have been. Each child has brought me so much in their very different ways. Each child was a gift from God. I feel as if I missed some of the season because I was so busy preparing for the next.

If I could impart one gift to each of my children it would be to tell them to live in the moment. Treasure the past and all that brought them into this season, but stand still long enough to enjoy what you have. As I watch from close by as each of you step out into your own season, I say a prayer and tearfully but with pride, watch you grow. I love you.

Teresa Gale
May 13, 2012