Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Prayers

Winter Prayers

It is February and the snow continues to fall, followed by icy rain and chilling temperatures. We, however, are blessed to be in a home, with heat, with lights, with food and with each other. I think of this as I gazed outside last night after hearing the ping of icy rain hitting our window. I looked at my grandchildren, my son and husband and bowed my head in thanksgiving.

I was alerted by my son actually, that he had not seen me pray over our meal, something that I do all the time and anywhere I am. I found it heartwarming that he would remind me. I guess I am setting an example to my children. My grandchildren who were already chomping down on their burgers and fries all turned to watch me. Puzzled looks upon their faces.

My husband, bless his heart, explained to the children why grandma prays and thanks God for our food and home. I was amazed that anyone had even noticed. It has become so instilled in me to pray before a meal, that I do not realize I do it. Tonight, was the first time in ages that I had to be reminded that I had not prayed. I was truly surprised at my son for pointing it out. For a moment, I almost felt chastised.

Prayers are an important part of my life. I don’t always feel I pray enough, or long enough or even in the right manner. However, I do pray daily. I think of those who truly need to be prayed for and kindly ask God to oblige to move in their lives, as if he didn’t already know right? Yet here I was, a parent, who needed reminded I had not bowed my head and said grace. God is my parent, do I remind him in my prayers. I think so, in some small way, I want him to hear about those I love, care for or worry over.

Just as my heart was warmed that my son noticed, I like the think the same of my Heavenly Father. One of the things I like to do in my prayers is give thanks. In my busy life, I do not always remember to do this, I take things for granted and often days go by before I truly am reminded of just how much I have. I used to keep a blessing book, something I think I need to do again, in which I listed every blessing I could think of in my life. I have so many, some so small that most people would wonder at my giving thanks for it. Yet even the smallest occurrence in our life can be counted as a blessing.

I explained to my grandchildren the story of my buying our home, a home in which they now share with us. I bought this rambling five bedroom house twenty years ago after their father had died. I was a single mom with four young daughters making very little money. I had a down payment and I had a heart to have a home, one in which I could give my daughters some sense of security after the loss we had just experienced.

I went house hunting. I prayed, I mean to tell you, I prayed a lot. The day I found our home, I was not really bowled over by it, but it fit our needs. I remember being at work, waiting to see if the bank approved my loan, a special loan at that time that I was one of the last to get. I prayed that if God really thought it best we purchase the home, he would provide a way. He did. I also signed for a fixed rate for seven years. My plan was in seven years when the rates went up, all four girls would be old enough to move on and out, or so I thought. I would then sell and buy or rent something smaller.

God provided much for us in the last twenty years because I put my faith in him. Four years after I purchased my home, I met Mark, my husband to be. Four years later, we would marry, refinance and God had provided again. I didn’t have to sell. Our home has had children move in and out and back in and back out several times. The home is older, a little more worn and shows signs of wear and tear, but so do we. Last year, we put a new roof over our heads and are secure for awhile longer. I give thanks to God for providing all of this.

We have weathered many storms, saw many cold winters here, lost power a few times, and shoveled snow so high we thought we would never see the end. Now we share this home, the very home God provided for us, with grandchildren and children. We are blessed.

So at every meal, every chance I get, I give thanks to God for all these blessings. As I explained to my grandchildren last night, even in the darkest, scariest storms in life, even when we feel sad, or lonely, we still can find something to count as a blessing.

Teresa Gale