It has been awhile since I last wrote. I kept thinking about writing, afterall, much has been happening in my life. Yet it was all hard to put into words.
I will update.
I am in the midst of the worst writing session ever for NaNo. I just feel no creative juices, no story in me. I am frustrated with this. However, recent health issues have me slightly off balance.So I try, I write, but I have no real passion for what I am writing at the moment. I think today, I will try some poetry to see if that jump-starts me.
My goal would be to finish this mess of a story or story of sorts and get to my 50K. I want to just allow myself to do some "Wild Mind" writing like Natalie Goldberg suggest in her book. Boy, hope I got her name right.
Canada this summer was fantastic. I so wish I were there on the Trent right now sitting in the front room with my computer writing as I watch the Loon plucking fish from the rolling river. I can almost see the color in the trees thanks to new friend Linda who posted some. I can dream along the Trent, let the hectic part of life pass me by and just be.
That is what I need, a room in which to write. Not my cluttered sitting area, or my office that needs cleaned. I need clean and open space to write in.
Now this post seems more like a journal writing, and maybe it is. Sometimes I think we just need to speak from the deep places we are in.
Taking a deep breath and going to go to that secret place and relax.