I won! I am a winner! It's not often I get to say those words, but I acheived what I set out to do and finished NaNo with one day to spare. My how wonderful it feels!
It's amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it. I know I have to find an ending to my story yet, then edit the piece, but it is all possible if I set my goals and keep going.
I want to make new goals and accomplish what I set out to do. That's what winning did for me. It created in me new possiblties, new dreams and new goals. I am thankful that God saw me through my writing. Many days I struggled with words to write, many prayers were said and I always found the words.
In all things I feel thankful. I am a winner and I feel great tonight. Tomorrow is only a dream away and all dreams are possible when I stretch myself to acheive.
Are you dreaming about something? Do you seek to do something you once thought impossible? All you have to do is step out and try. Go for it.
Teresa Gale